That's it. I'm sick and tired of this ****. From now on, i am completely ignoring nerv, no matter what he says about me, however much he tries to fail hit me, and i shall forever shun him.
Hmmm ok good luck nerv. Have fun with that and that comment about you not hitting, i just pulled your bluff to show everyone that you accepted the 1v1 wen your not even attacking.
Come on im giving you the benifet of the doubt here. Please try to win as it makes me feel... Good... To see a real fight.
The info on your pic i mean nervere. Or if you dont know wat i meen from that stupid brain of yours, the writing below the buttons.
Well it's really not fair. Even with only one Def pot. He's half your stats and he has even less of a chance of winning at half troops.