I drifted into this clan in January when it was HTE and was hooked on the folks that make it up. After going back to an FC clan for a couple of weeks, I came back home...where I stay. It's no BS group of adults that enjoy each others company, take an interest in each others lives and encourage everyone to be their best. Heartily recommended for those who qualify and who are looking for a special place to KAW.
Those of you that know me, know that I tend to roam around a lot lol. I came to COSS to visit w one of my closest KaW friends & have never left... I luv it here & if you're cut out for it, you will too!!!
COSS is the best clan. Period. Why? Because we are a bunch of flawed people, who stick with each other despite that. And our cc is smexy. Sooooooo, deal with it lol.
COSS is my family for life! I came here to hunt scrolls and have never left. I was made to feel welcome from the minute I walked in the door and CC makes me laugh till my sides hurt sometimes too. Great peeps, awesome family! Our owners and admin are the closest I've ever seen in a clan. Supported 100%
Very nicely written doll. We are a family regardless of what happens . we remain friends . That bond is what sseperates us from the rest and I'm glad to be a part of it. Thanks to alai and Rage for taking me in when I had no direction of where I was going . COSS IS BOSS ...THE RAGING RED ONE HAS SPOKEN ...LOVE ME OR HTE ME I WILL ALWAYS BE ME .