Calculating the Value of Your Assassinates in EB

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by UnicornPoopCookie, Aug 2, 2013.

  1. @Resistance - yeah. I've got that covered. It all works correctly

    @Greendale - just taking a lot of data. Some EBs have the same factors. Others are different. All the T1 and T2 EBs have 0.64. FoD is the only one with 0.27
  2. I doubt the number and would like to see some data backing it up.

    The reason is that it probably depends on the ratio between the number of ass actions and atk actions.
  3. Nice thread
  4. If I understood that math I would make a better reply... 
  5. Key please i got lost :?
  6. How did u calculate the bonus for attacking? This is the only part I am confused about.
  7. Agreed with lawf on the first page
  8. @Soules - Bonus from attacking is your total bonus times the EB factor. I've given this factor for FoD and Haunting.

    And it's easy to figure out - just do an EB for which you aren't too strong for (cause the turn in the plunder curve will screw it up otherwise) and do attacks only. Track how much you made from the attacks and compare it to your bonus in the end. Easy as pie.
  9. I want to make at least 1 bill but the highest I've ever gotten is 200,000,000 and I've been playing for all most a year now and I'm a strict assassin can you help
  10. @Alfa - don't be a strict assassin. Build some bestiaries and hire allies til you have MP. Do Ambush or TFO and grow.
  11. I understood that  all you people on about the troops bonus that was taken off with the FOD thing of 0. Summin 