Buying Black Hand Allies? Caveat Emptor

Discussion in 'Wars' started by whorn, May 24, 2012.

  1. It's pretty overblown when people get crazy over an ally, especially when allies are what fueled the game in the beginning. Allies here, allies there. Now you have to watch and be careful not to hurt someone's feelings over it.
  2. Not a matter of feelings CareBears... Just economics.

    KaW is more or less a bunch of agreeable individuals who for whatever reason find it fun to antagonize people they don't know well at all.

    And, when it somes to things like OSW, well, it just boils to what do you HAVE to let people get away with...

    Anyone can assert KaWpremacy... It's not that hard, look at ohhhh... 99 out of 100 posts on these forums. It's like people I know have to be at least 30 to have blown the kind of money they have on this game, but they revert to a grade-school "who beats?" contest when they have to write about it.

    I think I'm actually elevating the discussion... I guess no one ever thought to post about the possibility of being misconstrued as a strip-bank and what that might entail in terms of consequences before... :lol:

  3. I see what res is saying here. It's plain and simple but never said by other clans. I have been in small strip wars because I bought the wrong ally. Now days you watch who you buy because you can get into a war over it.

    Just because res is saying it in a post does not make this stupid, he is saying what every other player in osw feels. Kaw is becoming really high strung with all these osw. This is same thing as someone having it on their banner. "high my allies and be hit". Same thing and no one calls people stupid for having that in their banner.

    This looks like a very good war between two very good war clans. As much as they talk . I know their is alot of respect here. I can't wait to see the outcome. Good luck to both sides but I am cheering for my friends at RES.
  4. Thanks tim, not everyone openly supports us. Nice to hear.
  5. looool Nem, you missing the point here. MrB doesn't force people into buying his allies. You on the other hand, attempting to dictate Allie traders and kawmunity in general who not to shop lol and next you gonna tell everyone to shop Res only? And will threaten to farm the rebels?

    What are the threats BH made? Just wondering cos I'm totally unaware lol I do know though that I've been threatened to be reported for different type of cheating. And I have been. I was also shown supposedly my ip address by your leader. I wonder why?
    Look at Des wall - apparently me and him are sharing accounts LMFAO! And our whole clan is botting on osfs according to statement on my and Maniac wall lol Threats and accusations are Res specialty, don't be so humble Nem
  6. I don't know if you are botting or not. I don't care, Blazey. If you got reported, so what? Don't pretend that OSW (particularly with BH) doesn't routinely include silencing, accusations of botting, account sharing, etc. It's all part of the landscape.

    Maybe if you didn't have an offer from an osf on your wall for you to pin on, it wouldn't raise that particular suspicion.

    Black Hand's raison d'etre is a threat... Only instead of conditioning your actions on anything, you take the stance that the most appropriate strategy in KaW is casting random insults and instigating osw. That is what's the most fun for BH...

    Do I really have to go through forum threads to prove that out?

    Or can I satisfy myself with an ironic chuckle over your faux outrage?
  7. Very sad to post in the forums and cry about getting allies bought. This not only shows cowardliness but also how fearful you are OP. Please by all means farm that player who buys allies. You will only draw more attention and bring in others to black hands aid. Hell, I wanna join the war after reading this dumb post.
  8. C'mon in the water is nice... You are already allied with BH, so I'm not sure how your feeble post here is supposed to intimidate me much.

    The part in bold is especially funny, btw... Anyone who's ever completed Psychology 101 recognizes projection when they see it.
  9. Sounds like some mollification going on with you OP. Good try at turning that around but judging by all the post on this forum, you are obviously the only one who feels that way.  So keep on believing yourself and monitoring this forum cause it's only you it's important to.  And keep an eye on blackhand allies, you never know who might be buying them next.
  10. Gonna say this again,ally market is free if I bought all of the allies of one BH member because let's say all his allies are in the 30B mark there's nothing you can do. What are you gonna do if an iG member, SUN member or whatever clan member does that? Declare war to them? I will just Lol. This thread has no point if BH really does have banks take it to them not to all of KaW.
  11. Running around making threats about hiring allies from BH is just sad. No one is superior in this game, only the devs. No one controls the ally market deal with it this is how the game works.
  12. Judging from this the posts on this thread (the forum is a little bigger, I know what you were awkwardly trying to spit out), I'd say BH and it's allies and the usual trolls are typically coming out of the woodwork. And yes, forum monitoring IS useful in OSW... It's like "Possum Watch '12" in here...

    And I don't keep an eye on BH allies... I keep an eye on MY allies. If a lot of them pass through BH on their way to someone else, or a lot of them are just bought coincidentally to oh, say, a couple thousand steals... I guess I know what has to happen next, right?
  13. You are 100% correct. I only control who I buy, who I hit, who I steal, and how many pots I've banked. Thanks for clearing that up for me. :lol:
  14. Stupid thread is stupid. :lol:
  15. Why do you think all iG members or all SUN members are necessarily off limits? Kind of an interesting statement. And why would anyone bother with declaring war?

    BH really had some banks... I dunno if they still do, or if they are just playing with clan resources. They most certainly have mains that COULD act as banks in at least 4 clans, but I dunno if it's worth it to them to overtly throw that around.

    BH doesn't have too much at risk, but then they aren't inflicting much harm. So the waiting game goes on.
  16. Res DTW LOL and saying BH is not inflicting damage :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
  17. What you posted is the users browsing this particular forum section, not the thread itself...
  18. Yes, exactly so... Always a good place to check in before you unload on a small strip, no?

    Although I always check the main page first...
  19. I know you're using it to monitor activity, but that will only show you a lurking BH member every now and then...
  20. What I'm ultimately getting at is that checking who's browsing is a very limited way of monitoring a player's activity. There are much easier ways...