Buying Black Hand Allies? Caveat Emptor

Discussion in 'Wars' started by whorn, May 24, 2012.

  1. Not sure what to do with this one but laugh... Continue your self-expression in peace... :lol:

    -Kirk Lazarus
  2. Lol not sure what you mean but excuse me I have RL issues to deal with now :roll:
  3. Resilientsucksstripped ally sale buy them as I strip themall must gobig strip
  4. The best part about this post is that res buy allies from me in other strip wars I have been in 
  5. After reading this thread I decided to hire a handful of allies from mrbiscuit  Come strip me. I need to liquidate some inventory 
  6. wonder who I am gonna sell his allies to he gonna be my next ally sale 
  7. Op no one is treaten buy you let red-star buy one ally off of him then what he send his 1k spy accounts at you
  8. Charles read the whole thread he said its not a threat lol.
  9. Sounds like it to me time to farm 
  10. Lol. He's letting us know they won't threaten, theyll just strip.
  11. I just read the whole thread and I'm kinda confused haha... So if I hire a bh members ally I'm gonna get farmed? Is that what your saying cause I'm just confused...
  12. Nvm I've got it lol... Strip u naked geez sounds a lot like S.U.N. ...
  13. Get ur own original line... Lol
  14. Na jk idk who made that first...
  15. LMFAO!!!!! This is epic! Nemesis, You do realize that probably about half of overpriced allies out there on the market were owned by BH at some point right? And you are THREATENING the kawmunity, no matter how you word it lol

    MrB adverts say 'stripped allies' for a reason. Not only cos he's cool like thatlol but it's also meant to make every buyer aware that those allies maybe tracked (and I'm sorry to disappoint you, but your so-called unique game tactics you've revealed here are commonly used by every clan in pretty much any OSW lol)

    I do see a reson for your frustration tho. Those sales make it 20 times harder to actually find banks huh Get y'all confusedRes was repeatedly saying BH has no banks, why contradict your self now? Let's keep it at 'bh doesn't have banks' and make every one happy, and there will be no need for your desperate threats like that

    I doubt this thread will stop any one from buying our allies tho. It is actually a great PR thread LOL Right After you posted it, MrB sold about 500b worth of stripped crap That were promptly invested in a good spy Allie he borrowed from Troop

    I mean, if it will make y'all Res feel better and less confused, maybe you want us to post 'stripped off by BH' on every Allie wall?! Soon enough every every Allie have such post Lmao or should all buyers now request some sort of a background check on allies they purchase just in case it was owned by BH at some point?

    I can't remember how many times MrB posted cc saying Res is shopping me (and no, not for a strip lol). I'd love to see Res clan self distraction when they track some allies and start questioning their own members

    Friggin EPIC
  16. Four paragraphs that said... Nothing.

    You should have left it at that. :lol:

    When you need debate pointers, I'm here to help. :lol:
  17. Hmm Resilience threatening KaW? I would love to see how many clans would wind up in your news if you actually stay true with this thread.
  18. Actually it's not how many, question is which clans won't care about this thread and just keep on hiring.
  19. @Return... You missed the point, for like the 10th time now.

    If you aren't banking, you probably have nothing to worry about. If you are too big to be messed with, then you have nothing to worry about.

    If you did bank, thinking there would be no consequences, and then you got stripped- you can come here and talk to the hand...

    Boy Return, for someone with no purported interest in Resilience, you sure post in this thread a lot.