Science experiment: burn worms. Note smell, texture of burnt worms, qualities of smoke (set off fire alarms? suffocate anyone? rate of spread?). Science experiment, follow up: allow worms to consume cesium. Force them into water. What happens? Note any occurrences similar but not limited to explosions.
Science experiment, part two. Question: How small does a piece of crow's nest have to be for a worm to consume? SEP2, followup. What is the most efficient way to stack worms to create a building in which one trains assassins?
Candidus, these science experiments are harder than my forensics classes…classes…U will be grading on the curve i assume?
:lol: we did have a worm in another clan reporting to us once but it was only a mere convenience that a worm was in the clan we were warring. Us worms do not know who we will be matched up with. As a matter of fact, we had the hardest time getting a match up in the beginning of the season.
Support to worms,slowing pcs,making dogs skinnier,and farmin statless alt like this since(insert date) 1337
HHahaha, just read op again. Has anyone heard the band "arrogant worms"?? They are a really funny band that plays at a lot of indy or folk music festivals. So yes, i support the arrogant worms.