Burn The Coward Worms

Discussion in 'Wars' started by DevilsHeat, Apr 30, 2013.

  1. Civil war! Yeahhhhhhhh dat what I talkinnnn bouuutttttt
  2. It depends on how pretty they are
  3. Are you gender specific @taj hell are you limited to the human race?
  4. :lol: much respect worms, managing to drive a statless alt out of rca ;)
  5. As long as it's alive it can be raped right?
  6. Yes I suppose so. You and my dog think similarly 
  7. Lmao well taj stands for thick and juicy so...
  8. Just post xtal times instant.
  9. How about changing reason#2 to 1??
    arrogant little worms should be handled, lets get the birds out
    Follow me to BURN the worms :!:
  10. Whats wrong with inserting secret alts into other clans? That's not cowardly. That's smart. I do it frequently . The fact he got you so angry, however, means he has gotten the best of you. Your fail is now complete
  11. TBH there are at least 3 worms in GI, and what would posting xtal times do? But go for it can't be bothered
  12. What do you expect? I'm sure half of kaw has alts there. You had open recruitment 
  13. Why don't u guys stop drawing so much attention to the worms? Seriously leave em alone and let them do their thing and u do yours
  14. Yay we got moose support lol
  15. The respect and honour left ee wars long ago most likely 
  16. Yeah like their 2 Gi in worms, no clan is safe fron a spy tbh
  17. We don't care 
  18. Definitely not Gi, they are once a renowned clan