Discussion in 'Strategy' started by CALIFORNIA_SKATER_GIRL, May 16, 2013.

  1. nice post rabbitt. i look forward to refreshing my tracking skills. sometimes its the simple things that give you success.
  2. Great post rabbit! One of the best trackers out there. Btw, long time rabbit, you seem to have changed a bit... 
  3. Nice thread rabbit!! 
  4. @ kash. My mum said i haz to play nice with the other kiddies if i want my lolli.... :(
  5. How's your head rabbit? :lol: was in a really bad state the last time we talked in pal
  6. Er. Still healing from the multiple fractures concussions lacerations and all around bruises .... :(
  7. Rabbit mate you must be getting soft to be handing this out :shock:
  8. Love it! Thanks tons and bunches! 
  9. Rabbs, u always getting injured by cranes and falling stuff  u should be more careful
  10. Amazing thread. Good job.
    Some of the finer points of stripping being shown to someone as non-perceptive as I.
    Danke schön.
  11. Falling cranes? LMFAO!!!
  12. i like this, re read. lol
  13. Support the psycho rabbit
  14. Lmao. Im not psycho. My alts just said i am. :(
  15. Good other than forgetting a counter strip
  16. I didnt forget anything. I specifically left out certain things. For my own reasons. Best believe i got a lot more then that in my bunny brain. Lmao