Bullying "can be good for children"

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Devouring, May 11, 2015.

  1. Not all kids stand up for themselves. School promotes the youth to don't do anything. If you get bullied you need to tell an adult.

    I wonder when you are an adult who do you tell when you get bullied.
  2. Now you do. You see you learn something new everyday.

    Ha, got em.
  4. Requoting since you accidentally missed it. ️
  5. AJ: Page 2. Someone was kind enough to post it for me. Seems like everyone likes me 

    Can't blame them I am Devouring after all. Hehehe
  6. Ikr. Better alert the AP that kaw forums are the hot up and coming vaults of today's news.
  7. Speaking of news. Hamline launches bullying prevention program for teachers.
  8. Ah, I see. Most people cite the work that they "copy and pasted" at the end of the OP. I assumed you wrote this when I first read it.

    I'd take Inferno's advice and put the link he so graciously provided for you and stick it at the bottom of the thread.

    It's only common courtesy to give credit to the true writer. Right?
  9. No thank you. I'm not a fan win it comes to links. I'm just following the RoC and ToU. But your advise was greatly anticipated.
  10. The RoC and ToU was changed to allow forumers to include links in threads if it pertained to topic and weren't overly bad.

    The more you know, eh?

    Also, you seem mad. Failing all over my nf. 
  11. End of conversation. Let's stay on topic. School starts tomorrow I need to educate these kids about bullying.
  12. You can post links, bro. Just not malicious or non 9+ links.
  13. Total bs. The OP is assuming that 1) the victim has the physical strength to stand up to the bully and 2) the victim is not a member of a minority or is physically handicapped in anyway.

    Saying a victim can just stand up to a bully is not that simple. It like saying the Jews should have just kicked Germany's ass in WWII. Not a feasible proposition.
  14. What I'm telling you guys is that you shouldn't be the one to start the fight. The only time you can stand up to a bully is when he or her gets physical.

    If they make fun of you all you need to do is make fun of them. Or be the mature one and ignore them.
  15. This is one thing I can actually I'll actually agree with frog on. Wow.
  16. Many forms of bullying are not physical.
  17. Most of my sources had foul language. That's why I gave there names not a link. Didn't want these kids to grow up learning new words because of my link. I'm a holly man.
  18. Yes that's true. The schools I went to had a no fight policy. So even if you were forced to defend yourself all parties involved in the fight would get expelled. It's completely asinine to treat every physical encounter like that.
  19. Yep. For me I don't believe in cyber bullying because all you can do is block that bully or just stay out of social apps. But if they talk crap to you in RL all you could do is just ignore them. But if they get physical than fight them. No matter how big they are. Than they will respect you.
  20. Your thoughts on psychological bullying? Someone can make you feel so bad that you'd want to take your life.

    Also, you could have put, "I did not write this. The real writer is named---. I would post the link, but, it contains naughty words."