bullies don't deserve apologizes

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by starspangledman, Aug 7, 2013.

  1. About 5 seconds thanks for asking. 1 second for reading and 4 seconds to process the stupidity of the post.
  2. Well another 1v1 under my belt in les than 2hrs.
  3. That wasn't a 1v1, but whatever the deal was, it is now behind us. We have reached a cf. I only tried to pull a 2pac. Anyways everything has been resolved. Happy KaWing to all!
  4. Ok "captain America," time to grow a pair and put on the big boy paints.
  5. Look at my wall
  6. The spirit was there, but the subject matter was pretty miss.
  7. Wow. ROCKS IN IV?
  8. Ya I think someone is mad
  9. So Cyber Bully Network Can't Get An Apology? Y U SO HARSH!
  10.  Bullies suck that's why I farm them
  11. This is a war game. Stand up and fight back.

    I was enjoying your energy to not say sorry, and you had my respect all the way up until you switched up and left your account inactive.

    If you are gonna go all Captin America on someone and not back down to a bully, then don't back the **** down!

    Stand up and go hit for hit, failed hits or not, don't run away to your alt.