bullies don't deserve apologizes

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by starspangledman, Aug 7, 2013.

  1. He's going to his alt because he's being hit and can't deal with his own problems, not being stubborn.
  2. Well i got my cf on my wall :3
  3. Jk guys!!! I'm not actually gone!
  4. Sweet,let the ass beating BEGIN.
  5. You just called him stubborn... And how does playing on your alt because you are losing a fight make you a homosexual. Just face it you do not know if op is a homosexual or not so do not say things you can not back up with evidence.

    Also why do people use gay/homosexual as insult? There is nothing wrong with it.
  6. Nobody deserves apologizes, therefore nobody deserves me! :)
  7. The pleasure is manbearpig5's
  8. Op assass 15ish/15ish/4 np
  9. I love the first post 
  10. No wonder you lost the fight, you have no sdp
  11. I never said he was stubborn, you should retake English 1. Also, he has no backbone and cant stand up for himself which means he will probably get raped and at some point he will begin to enjoy it, therefore making him a homosexual.
  12. @pigman Do you have a main? Wall me..
  13. Who pinned his spies? I was gonna :(
  14. Staples i would have burnt pots anyways.
  15. @Pigman Yeah, please wall me from your main also. Thanks
  16. I killed all his spies, sorry.
  17. @pigman
    Sorry I accidentally mixed your's and life's post together my apologies.

    Also your logic makes absolutely no sense in how op is/will be gay, you are just desperate now and acting like a fool.
  18. No **** it made no sense. How long did it take you to figure that out, detective?
  19. :lol: lol lol and lol