Builds for lowlands

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by Vid, Jan 19, 2013.

  1. Voodoo- I request the same. Thank you for not arguing with the op
  2. Pie I'm only responding to someone who is smack talking me. I simply requested a forum ban because they have been swearing and spamming. Yet they try to smack talk me that I'm a noob and I know nothing.
  3. ok, i am stepping out of this thread out of respect.

    ninja, you should have done the same already.
  4. I would have after my post but someone named word had to respond with an insult
  5. 1.) The op is doing his best check his forum join date
    2.) He did not bypass
    3.) he did not spam
    4.) Do not comment again
  6. Pie yes he spammed. And yes they bypassed they swore at all who said it was already made and needed a little more effort
  7. I didn't bypass u just want me banned
  8. You swore at everyone. Look at the other pages.
  9. I swore but I didn't bypass
  10. Ty ward

    Op- I am sorry for the way our member
    Has treated you

    I advise you wall a mod (Meisha, mellisa, Horse_feathers, wulf, and/or donkey)
    Request a lock and try again

    Add some collor.
    Ss's of the buildings.
  11. Voodoo bypassed
  12. Wek you swore at people called them "***es" and "**** you"
  13. I have spoken to voodoo already he thpught said word was a diffrent word then the censored word.
  14. All I did was request a temp forum ban. And you start smack talking me I would've left otherwise
  16. Ok but next time don't just go around smack talking people or you might get this whole argument
  17. 0.o this was on my last account,why bring this up
  18. These threads suck.