alright devs why don't you just make a pansy ass game for pansy ass candy ass players who want to eb and ee all day. then upgrade kingdoms at WAR for the players who actually enjoy it and pay you for it......idiots,,,,
To the people asking for PvP rewards, perks and drops in promos (feathers, fangs etc)..... This is actually near impossible to do because so many people have multiple alts and would just farm their alts for the benefits. Even if they introduced an IP proximity type measure to try to prevent this, they could just "swap" alts with a clanmate to farm the rewards. In my eyes that's actually worse than being an EB fairy, since at least there's a chance you could fail an EB! Of course, some people genuinely PvP in this game, but I guarantee that if they upp'ed the drops/plunder/etc that alt farming would be the next big thing. GUARANTEED!! (Remember how Pwars killed the old war system cause people wanted easy gold???). It would have to be a VERY complex system to distinguish lazy alt farmers from genuine PvP/OSW players... and that takes time to build/design, if it is even possible!
stupid devs,,,,,didn't think you had an answer for no pvp ug. you all are some stupid effs if you're telling me you can't ug pvp,,,,,,an effing 6 year old could do it, I could, half the community could, and you can't? you're stupid, plain and simple,,,,stupid
I see a lot of complaints about the "gap". And I can see both sides of the coin. But some people are over exaggerating just a little. Some ideas about lowering the price of ll/hl. Honestly, T1's shouldn't even exist anymore, no one who actually plays the game uses them. It takes about 2 weeks average to lc. Now to hlc? prob about a year or 2. That is actually a pretty huge gap lmao! So maybe lower the price of highlands lol. UPDATE: wow the cut of t5 prices, nice job devs!! You heard the community loud and clear Applause for you! Idea: Bring more "risk" components to the game, like the mage. But instead of equipment, maybe include something else? I dont know use your brain
Ok just clarification here to those saying hte plunder/ally bonus went Down it was supposed to, (I believe devs just fixed it a little) but on the other hand plunder on big eb goes up. it's the reason we all are not still doing the forgotten ones. Also people want pvp side to this that most still haven't noticed. Well t6 is unique in that your plunder vs a target goes up as you upgrade instead of down. This is even vs a smaller build. Remeber t5 if you upgraded while fighting someone you would make less hitting them after upgrade. Well it's opposite with t6. Sorry I said this when t6 came out but I say it again because if you do the math you are getting what you ask for. So you make less on (escape you can make same or close plunder although not bonus since people eat solo item bars)but hey now you get about same plunder as hte in free to play ss tsg and ts. Think before you quit freak out whatever. Peace
eff the gap, eff all the other compaints, devs you seriously going to tell us no pvp ug again???? are you dumb, do you need help? maybe somebody to hold your hand? the gamers want this, nobody is complaining against pvp, you get that? you understand that? make it happen you idiots. it you're not capable of doing this, then maybe contract others to help you, you obviously need per pvp. PVP!!! IDIOTS
Ok, now this just messed with big players. Those of us who have put up alot of gold in our hl before then just basically get tossed aside. Weres the justice in it all?
U increased the gap. But dun worry about ur players complaints. Lb players r already over 100mil cs its just that u cant see their bfa. So this is not such a drastic update as u make it seem