Building Upgrades are Here!

Discussion in 'Past Announcements' started by [ATA]Grant, May 8, 2014.

  1. I sure as hell will remember even after the rewards are given out, because I'm sure the rewards will suck ass for anyone less than top 100 like before...
  2. I disagree with the new buildings to begin with! Why is it such a huge deal to test these before releasing this stuff. Every single update has problems. Couldn't you test the plunder first before realizing things are messed up? Another update with lots of problems. A test system would be nice.
  3. Honestly, i could've quit when they first introduced HF when i was smaller than a gh, but i didn't. I shut up, saw a new opportunity, and i set out for it.

    You guys complaining about how tough it'll be, nothing worthwhile isn't hard to achieve. You just have to fight for it. You'll get to HFBC doing that much quicker than complaining about it.

    Although, i would like them to focus on other matters first, i cant wait to get my hands on these buildings. Good work devs.
  4. 250b? It seems the time has come to hang up the kaw shoes. Its not about the lack of PvP, its not about the crappy events, it comes down to the lack of ambition to upgrade any further. I'll be finishing my lvl3 on HF and retire. Only because I set a goal to HFLCBC. Sucks kaw has come to this. It was a good run but its time to look for better games. Games that fix mechanics that are broken, follow up on account sales and favor the GAME it self not the people exploiting it. And I'm not talking about EE SH noobsense. I'm referring to bots and sales. I find it terribly hard to believe that not one single LB account is shared, botted or purchased. I'm sure most of them are just highly active. But the fact that its an issue no longer addressed shows how bad Dev profit margins have fallen.
  5. Any more info on the regen timer?
  6. Thanks for bringing the fun back in this game for me :lol:
  7. Can we get EE LV25?
  8. EE level gives plunder % of it's level times 1000, how's that sound?
  9. If you don't like it then you have the option to leave but don't try to drag others with you.
  10. You fail ata. Just go away. Forget about kaw for awhile like u did fc all your doing is messing it up.
  11. When can you get them how many frost to unlock?
  12. Tower if turning the app on, and then immediately turning it off again because your spies and troops are at zero is fun, then you're welcome bro. Tell Daza and aizun I said hi and no hard feeling towards epic fate. Good friends of rawwrrr.
  13. Exploit not fixed. Nothing for PvP but hey your bigger spenders can grow more. Good job
  14. Where is kaw_community? Wasn't the entire points of them was to be a community liaison? Is it just me or since they came to be were have gotten even less communication than before? Wouldn't this be a good time to, her I don't know, communicate with the community kaw_community? What a sham that whole thing turned out to be.
  15. Maybe make it less expensive to open land to build too?
  16. I could care less either way, I have accepted that I'll never BC with how fast new buildings and lands come out... I'm just gonna get as big as I can and have fun with it ️
  17. I'm still here and still communicating. There's been numerous changes lately and while there are ongoing issues with wars that we're trying to fix things have been improving.

    We have always said that these new Levels would come out when the community was at a point we felt t was ready for them, and that point is now.

    We're working to address the difference in plunder currently.
  19. The more things change, the more they stay the same. Look at the thread (sorry can't get it to link):

    Hoarfrost lands and T6 upgrades. what are the devs thinking?

    You can cut and paste the arguments/lamentations/threats to quit from there and simply save time.

    Oh, wait . . . we are all still here.

