You support subs? Isn't your build consisting of more circles havoc? Curious. I've read this thread many times trying to decide build after lc'ing.
Yes I have 19 circles... I was OSF for many months and switched to hansel build and turns out you get attacked a lot with that build. I built more subs and took five for people to leave me alone. I had this build for about a month and wanted more attack power and this is when the devs made the build adjustments. I got SUCKERED into thinking the 5% is worth making circles and it isn't. I am planning to change my 19 circles into subs soon. The change is very expensive and is why I haven't made the change yet.
Thx for feedback. I've built 3 and tore down three. I don't think the regen is all that bad on the aviaries. I'm almost 1/2 subt and 1/2 aviaries. 14 to 10 but have built and tore down many times now.
Ok havoc here is some data. Both me and buddy hit spy farm with stats of 286,200, and I put 1 pot out 937$, and we both took 1 hit at full troop. I have 8 aviaries , 16 subt maxed He has 23 aviaries, 1 subt max I have roughly 29bil in allies He has roughly 25 bil in allies Results Me Plunder: 2,811,861 Ally bonus: 7,653,606 Total: 10,465,467 Soldiers lost: 2024 Him Plunder: 2,857,140 Allies bonus: 7,767,847 Total: 10,624,987 Soldiers lost: 1994 How are subts better than aviaries. It takes him maybe 5 min more to regen, he has more troops, and looses less troops per atk. Not to mention makes more. Where does aviaries bring less plunder come from? Hmm
I would like to see full subt and circles if u got either and willing to post results wall me and I'll put the pot out for u to hit.
I'm looking at your numbers and he did get more plunder than you, like what he should have because: Averies provide more troops. Averies provide more stats. You mentioned you were using a spy farm, you mean like an OSF? OSFs have no troop buildings so no matter what troop loss will be minimal and not matter what build type you have. Another thing about using an OSF is there stats can be much higher than yours, say about three times. When you use and OSF they can have almost max stats and you have barley any stats. Because of this it's very easy to get max plunder without having hardly any cash in allies.
So if most of my gold is from farms I might as well go aviary build. It can still hold it's own in a war anyways given we already have 2-3 subt builds in the clan anyways. Hmm thanks for your wise knowledge oh great one
Awesome discussion here, especially for newbies as myself. After reading a couple of times...i have a couple of basic questions :?: :?: I only have 12 LC's now and 10 are BC..but I don't know if they are "Subs" or "Aviaries" I have built 2 staples and 2 Workshops, War Cathedral, Forge, Beastery, Guild and tower.... :shock: :shock: With that ramble, should I rebuild :?: Thanks :!:
The word is the devs are making a new tear level. With that said don't do any rebuilds, don't tear anything down, just wait for then to launch the new level.
I disagree. Circles give you huge bonus. Against an LC maxed spy my pure sub friend got 9.1m. I (pure circ) got 11.2m from the same target. Roughly a 2.1m a hit difference.
You get 5% more plunder per sum than a sub. So if you have 24 sums its 5x24=120 So isnt that like 120% more plunder That doesnt sound so correct me if im wrong
Here are some of my thoughts and findings. After being in a very nasty war last week I have a change of mind with a few things. After LCBC guilds are not needed unless your in a war. All Subs build are prime targets for attacks because of there low defense. The guild, before you LCBC, is important because it deters people from spying you. Its cheaper than banking or using pots, But after LCBC the guild has very little use and is best to use pots at this point. Although in a war the guild does help by providing you the ability to partake in stripping your opponent. When you strip someone of there allies you must spy bomb them to steel their cash. Here is a list of how many times someone must be spied to reduce there available cash to a certain percentage: % drop of cash that is out / How many times they have to be spied: 1% drop / spy 13 times 5% drop / spy 65 times 10% drop / spy 132 times 25% drop / spy 360 times 50% drop / spy 867 times 75% drop / spy 1,733 times 90% drop / spy 2,877 times 95% drop / spy 3,743 times 99% drop / spy 5,754 times 99.9% drop / spy 8,632 times Example: If someone has 200B on hand, you must spy them 5,754 times to drop it to 10% of the original value (They will have 2B left). As you can see from how many times someone must be stolen it will take the cooperation of many people to steel the cash. Now on the other hand if you are the target of a strip, having a guild and pots are not enough. Your pots will be burned up, you can be stolen from even if you have zero spies, and ally spy defense bonus doesn't mean anything because you wont have allies during the spy bomb phase. Here are a couple ways to help prevent a strip. These three factors are what determines a persons stripability. In short, Stripability is how easy it is to strip someone. The higher the stripability they easier it will be to strip that person. The important thing to remember is there is no way to block a strip. If someone wants to strip you, you will be stripped. You can only drag it out over a couple days instead of a few hours or delay it until the people with higher stripability are stripped first. Now about builds, if you read earlier posts I was a huge supporter of all subs. After the war I found this build make the best targets because they have the least amount of defense. For your final build you must have some other building mixed in to raise the defense. I created a list of a build consisting of twenty-four buildings and all variations between subs and aviaries. My build Is row 11 , I like the 500K attack and 400K defense, I suggest any build between row 11 and 25. All those build types provide great defense and has superb attack. There is one problem mixing the subs and aviaries. The regen rates are not equal. Here is a rule of thumb when using this type of build. Don't us all troops from the subs. The regen rates between subs and aviaries are close enough to be fully regenerated at the same time if there are troops left in the sub. If not then you'll have to wait ten extra minutes for the aviaries to be fully regenerated. I'm not a supporter of Subs and circles build because they have lower attack. Some argue about the 5% extra plunder per circle. But remember you must attack stronger opponents to get that extra plunder, that will be more difficult with low attack strength. Maybe after your attack bonus from allies equals 10M to off set the lowered attack, then this might be a better build. But not until then.
i couldn't tell u how much i enjoy ur great work, hav! I have to print it out for reference... and i hope u don't mind. However, I do see some strong ppl combine their builds into all kinds. subs, circles, aviaries, guilds such as 14:3:3:4 ratio. Below are my douts, pls advise: 1. If it's true that it's not good to mix sub & circle together or not. 2. pure aviaries vs. pure circles, in ur point of view, what's gonna happen. 3. sub itself doesn't offer any bonus except high atk and low def. Does that mean sub is less useful than others if the atk stats can be boosted by huge amount of allies. I believe devs will keep "balancing" this game to earn profit just like they always do. LOL Cheers and thx again for ur great work!!
Very good questions... The reason why I believe the sub and circle combination is not good is because the circles attack strength is to low. Sure they have a huge boost in defense, but the attack strength will be dragged to far down with this combination. Here's a list consisting of 24 buildings with all variations between subs and circles. Compare it to the other list above: In my opinion the rows 8 through 14 give the best options, but my opinion is the subs and aviary combination are better aligned with one another. Now question 2, you got me. I've benchmarked the builds... It said the best build is pure aviary. The attack and defense make it the best well rounded build. But why do I have a sub and aviary build? My style of playing required a higher attack than what the pure aviary build can provide. Now about the pure circle build, I've seen a few people with this and they couldn't hit a noob with all pots, the attack strength is just two low. I can here someone say look at it's defense though. Well look at it like this, if you can't hit your target what use do you have? For the last question, the pure sub build is benchmarked as the worst BC build. On the flip side it's because of the high attack that makes this one of the mosts attractive builds. It still is one of the more attract builds to me, just needs to be modified with aviaries . Your build is the most important factor in your total stats. It's much cheaper to destroy and rebuild, than patch it with allies. For instance the attack stats per cost for a sub is 0.0008, while an ally with 100K attack bonus costing 2B has a ratio of 0.00005. The sub is 16X cheaper than patching it up with allies. Hands down it's the attack stats per cost that keeps this building ahead of the pact despite being the worst benchmarked building. With your closing comment you expressed yourself about the devs making changes. For myself I'm happy they made all these changes. It gives me something else to explore and keeps the game dynamic. If there weren't any changes to the game it would grow stale and become boring. I can't wait to see what the new tear level will consist of!
Thx for ur thorough reply hav! It gets me thinking. I'll bring my findings back to u as return. I'm grateful that I can learn some good stuff. Thx again and cheers!