Build combinations

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by *cherrydude (01), Aug 8, 2010.

  1. Oh I forgot to mention I would only use a hansel build if you have a clan farm or a OSF that don't mind unlimited hits from you. That's because your troop stats are in the crapper
  2. Havoc. I got question.

    I'm poor I'm trying buy allies

    I need guilds cos I get targeted by spys

    Find hard to keep cash. In allies get hired while alsleep then loss them

    Can u tell me a easy way to get cash and keep it.
  3. Yep, you need an osf and warring is stressful and costly for hansel builds

    ^_^ but some of us are pretty ok at it

    anyways, the basics are rlly all covered and you seem to grasp it quite well.
    Anymore questions you can wall me, and I'm sure my mate hav0c wouldn't mind assistn either.
  4. Igiggle can u set me up with a osf that's willing 4 me to hit them 24/7
  5. Ok I gots getting to lc down and I was wanting to focus on lcbc so I did some math and found out that if your willing to sacrafice a few 360points in combined states that it is more efficiant to have 12 subs and 12 circles
    rather then have 24 avairys and have to deal with the 5% bonuses oh and be willing to sacrafice 2400 troops as well
  6. Meant stats but like igiggle said stupid iPod keyboard
  7. That was w/o factoring in allies and such
  8. In the beginning stages you want to buy allies with low stats relative to there price. This is so people will be less likely to buy them. Rolfstomp suggests to volley up low costing allies to a desired price. I to support this idea because, one the person helping makes cash, and two you'll beable to make some cash also. Now about the spying you can buy attack pots to "bank" your cash, you automatically lose 25% when selling the pots. Think of it as a banking fee.
  9. I found vollying profitable even when you have only 10 mil
  10. I've combined large scale max builds w/o factoring allies and came up with these statistics
    24 sub 12960/8640 atk/def
    24 avairy 11280/11280 atk/def
    24 circle 9840/12960 atk/def
    12 sub 12 circle 11400/10800 atk/def
  11. Easiest way to get the most cash is attack a max level OSF, or better yet someone with all circles because circles give the most stats of all. Hopefully this person will have low troops at this time to minimize troop loss. If your LCBC you may earn 16M per hit off them.
  12. Missed a few things like unit size and what not but y'all can figure that out on ur own
  13. I think your last post are of the stats before the devs made the changes.
  14. For new stats, look in strategy forum at "Kaw handbook"

    scroll down till you see buildings and stats ^_^ a decent starter guide
  15. Nevermind, sorry it's good 
  16. Already read it igiggle :p
  17. I have been asked a question about subs vs circles. The question was why build subs and not circles?

    First to understand the answer you must understand how stats are calculated:

    Stats = Attack strength + Defense Strength + Spy attack strength + Spy defense strength + Ally bonus

    This is calculated for both attacker and defender and used to find the crucial number used to calculate the plunder:

    X = Attacker stats / Defender stats

    • Bigger X the less plunder you receive.
    • Smaller X is the more plunder you receive.

    Now I have always said everyone needs at least one guild to protect from being stripped in a couple minutes, and using this old philosophy coupled with 23 circles the max stats you have for this, not counting ally bonus, ≈45.0M. Using the same technique with subs gives ≈42.8M. this is 5.55555% increase the devs made.

    As you can see the circles gives more stats and so X from the above equation will yield less plunder unless you battle stronger opponents. Now think about this, circles have less attack power and will be harder to break through your opponents defense, furthermore if you do manage to break through you will loose more troops per attack and have less opportunities to attack.

    Some will argue here, "You can use pots to make up for the lost attack strength."

    So yes you can use pots and this will help conserve troops and you will have a better chance if breaking through there defenses. You are also making less money from the attacks.

    Plunder received = Plunder - Cost of pots

    On the flip side if you build subs X will be smaller yielding more plunder, you'll loose less troops per attack, and will need less pots per attack. This is why I give advise saying build subs and not circles.
  18. HAV0C,

    If I were to have 2 attk builds: one 24 subs and one 24 circles, both attacking an LCBC OSF, then does your calculations above still apply? Or would the defensive build actually benefit more in golds received?
  19. The circles do provide more gold, the thing is the attack provided is to low to make them worth the investment.
  20. Stupid submit button....

    And with circles you have to fight even stronger opponents than with Subs to get that extra plunder the circles provide.