Build change day(full refund on building sales)

Discussion in 'Ideas + Feature Requests' started by Kickass_Si, Aug 4, 2015.

  1. If they actually war more then sure.
    Nothin guarantees that nor does it mean they will war to win either.

    Support says very little by itself.

    Eg where r the supporters for Round War?
  2. Not everyone shares your views, some just want a build change.

    It's just that and the "refund" being abused by people, you work for your build, just like you an I did, along with thousands of others, if you didn't get it how you wanted the first time, bad luck, pony up the gold and do it yourself. You'd never get retroactively reimbursed for buildings you tore down and changed prior to this if it ever happens.
  3. Read Ops post at least.

    Its about a conversion to a war build.
    I simply say SUPPORT lacks any substsnce.
    Yes its about working for our builds which i totally agree to. If Ops wants his idea to fly then needs much more support than whats here so far.
  4. Look at the builds of almost all who say support. At least 30% aren't even close to a war build, and don't even look like goin into the war direction.
  5. I did look n yes ur correct.
    They tend to support what does not really apply to them mostly.
  6. Currently dropping buildings is 20%.
    100% is to much n has no basis at all.
    60% is reasonable n only to build towers.

    Even then i'm not a fan of this proposal.
  7. Refund me for all my build changes kek
  8. Everyone gets previous teardown gold
    I'm down for that...retroactive asap pls
    Then lets pursue the merits of this idea.

    Many more ppl prolly be LCBC or close
  9. Full support on the Change your Build Day!
  10. Tbh we should't even be asking for this. Devs should have introduced this as a result for this bs S5 proposition.

    We've had primals and rounds for a while now. A lot of people converted to towered ps1 in anticipation of S5. Devs dont care and choose for a quick fix; all indi s5. Which is obv not in the favor of hansels.

    Shouldn't even be a discussion if a build change day is fair or not. Yes it is, players shouldn't have to get hurt by the laziness of the devs.
  11. Support but you should get tower tokens in place of gold or general build tokens. That way the only reason to convert would be to war and it couldn't be abused. Would bring more people into wars and no reason to tower if you're gonna stay with eb build
  12. 1000 supporters that thread had, devs did it.
  13. support bud
  14. I would completely support this. For the people that have been playing for a few years, it would be nice to try a different build.
  15. This has been suggested before OP

    The original thread had over 1k supporters.

    Sorry to say, this isn't happening.
  16. Support !
    Build Change Day Is Good..

    But I Dont Even Know What To Change In My Build..So Extremely Happy With It..Lol :p
  17. Full support great idea and let's everyone experience the different builds.
  18. It is suggested for once or twice a year for one day doesn't give the option to repeatedly change. Secondly I'm not sure if people have noticed, but the new abyssal lands, buildings offer highest plunder and the combined stats far away bfa anywhere near the same gold spent. Given time larger stats equal larger income and will surpass those who remain smaller in all regards.
  19. I changed build many times, from tank, hansel, battle hansel, and back. When I changed from bc tank to hansel it cost me 30 tril or so. Now consider the new cost of buildings on abyssal. This is beyond anything we did to change. I spent my entire 100 tril to change and ug, doubt many have that.