Build change day(full refund on building sales)

Discussion in 'Ideas + Feature Requests' started by Kickass_Si, Aug 4, 2015.

  1. Exactly
  2. Eh.. Idk.

    It kinda encourages building a straight eb build until you get a certain size and then, boom, free tower build.

    But on the other hand, theres a lot of people out there that would make the change and feel more suited for ee wars, which would be great.
  3. It's not like this would be implemented where you could do it more than once. It would give someone who started off not knowing the mechanics very well a chance to change that after growing. I'm a towered build so it wouldn't affect me much, but if you want more participation in wars this would definitely do it.
  4. Ops suggests a Kaw wide mulligan.

    Idk if thats wise without restrictions.
    100% If to encourage War then towers ONLY in HF/Abyss seems more reasonable.

    60% in LL/HL for any building.

    Its a ONE time forever conversion unless proves highly successful idea that improves war n can be revisited in future years.

    Thats my rough idea
    Anyone truly serious about a better war build can take advantage but its not for conversion to an EB only type of build.
  5. You mean "lose interest" not "loose interest".

    ( I will now cower in the corner hoping the anti-correct English police don't come and bite my head off for having the audacity to correct someone's English.)
  6. Lol. Is that the third time now?
  7. What I would like is not necessary remove the buildings, but shuffle them around on the land so they look for pleasing to the eye.
  8. What this dude said. Lol
  9. I support. My lowland building pattern is not pleasing and I'd like to be able to easily rearrange it.
  10. before a war, you get full money and rebuild your base, for a fee?
  11. Support! Should be allowed at least once a year.
  12. No support. Mainly due to the fact that it makes life easier when changing build.

    I get it if the request is to MOVE the buildings around since people have an OCD thing about their layouts...(I do )

    But having the ability get a full refund .....I rather people not be able to do that. Otherwise mid year or once a year people have the ability to change build types and if during a OSW or war or something, you have been planning a clan of group of people for an particular event. Then all that time and effort is wasted.

    I myself changed build from attack to what I am now at the expense of 300bil which I had to save up and time that it took to save up.

    Ultimately no support.
  13. Lots of valid Pro's/Cons.

    The idea it only being possible on HF/Abyss makes it more viable.

    HL/LL would need to be rearranged and the current cost.
  14. Why even do a gold refund? Make a trade coin or something. Say you got a HL lvl4 use it to trade your building for a different HL lvl4. Forget gold figure a swap system, then no gold abuse.

  15. Wanting your buildings to be grouped together isn't OCD. Its called wanting it neat.

    Calling things like that OCD is a disgrace and an insult to people who actually have it. OCD doesn't just cause wanting stuff to be all neat, it also causes agitation, compulsive behavior, hyperactivity, and many other things, including depression, fear, and panic attacks.

    Only around 1,200,000 people in the United States have OCD; yet 1/8th of people claim to have it!

    Unless you are actually diagnosed with OCD, don't be throwing it around lightly.It is a serious psycological disorder that destroys peoples lives, while others want something to be clean so all the sudden, oooh I have OCD.
  16. 1 players comment/suggestion invokes yet more questions and ideas.

    Rather than build refund, change it to build trade.
    Select the building, change the sell/drop build tap for 'TRADE TAB'. Only buildings of an equal Level/Tier will then be shown in the drop down list. That's 1 less way of people exploiting gold from the conversion.
  17. Support but... it's very unlikely that devs will make it happen.