Build change day(full refund on building sales)

Discussion in 'Ideas + Feature Requests' started by Kickass_Si, Aug 4, 2015.

  1. No, just no.
  2. maybe you wanna explain why instead of assuming we all know your logic behind this answer or we can just ignore it because you don't have any reason?
  3. No means status quo
  4. This is all I really want =P
  5. Support this would be fantastic.
  6. I'll support, because I know the community has been asking for this since the "change your build day" thread, which amassed like 1,000 supports.
  7. I don't fully support the Ops idea.
    If its truly for warring thats quite ok as long as its say 60%. Full refund for ppl taking advantage of eb plunder is not acceptable. It was their choice n an easy way out is not Xmas for entering S5.
  8. This ruins a vital part of the game
  9. em hell no you want to change build then get your finger out and start saving to do so, iv went from att to hybrid to sh then hansel and did it the way that involves time and effort so il show no support for any thread that suggests we should have any other way of doings so, either build an alt or tap til your finger falls off......No support!
  10. maybe a spell, which you would cast with x mithril, and get more/full cashback on pots and buildings?
  11. How bout you stop being a pompous ass and learn something, having a build maxed takes time and dedication to the change, they should only give 60% at max, having a 100% refund would have people abusing it by switching from a big build to a small one after antagonising some one or some clans, making them too small to hit
  12. Agreed with rik if it were a regular option.
    But it would be a great addition if added once pre season to allow all builds to max gold off season then switch to war builds required for clan wars, that may increase participation.
    And then once per off season to revert to normal build or just try a different build type exploring new avenues of game play.

    Long asked for should be added as a limited use feature.

    Edit addition.
    This would help with player retention in my opinion as it would enable new avenues of play style.
    New options and the ability to correct early mistakes would benefit all.
    The days available would need to be clearly advertised well in advance.

    If your build sucks, its your own fault. Change it and eat the gold cost like the rest of us did.

    Also would not be fair to the people who have had towers for years and have had to incur a massive (40% or so) hit on their total eb plunder.
  14. Support, but won't happen
  15. Support, but devs are greedy and will somehow make us pay for it
  16. Support, but will probably never happen. The day it does i will buy everbody on kaw each a seal
  17. I hope all the hansels get screwed now in indi wars. No support for change your build day, its the attack build's time to shine.