Thanks Webs! I'll have more up when...I am in an evil enough mood to write from Sentax's POV. @Zaln, I mean Irin is in no way done yelling yet. I have had the title scene for this book in my head since Niri gave her the ring, and I must admit it is one of my best 2 and a half written pages I ever wrote. (of course I'm going to add more though.) It's just everything leading up to broken I have to get straight. Everything after I have pretty much set (to a point) I don't want to give anything away, but I will say this: Irin is going to play assassin.
I told you, I need to be in an evil dictator type mood. I'm not feeling it right now. But um, Irin and Z are going to have a...ahem...minor disagreement, so there will be plenty of places to...ahem...write him out of the story if you...ahem...annoy me. XD jk jk. I can't write him out. Not right now. Maybe somewhere in book three but he'll most likely stay alive in two.
You always seem like it haha. And minor disagreements?! Someones being too real life-ish haha. And write him out o.0?! iZaln
Write him out...kill...same difference. And it won't get violent if that's what your implying. Well...maybe a tad. Haven't decided yet. But if you read the last one, it shouldn't be too hard to figure out what they're arguing over.
Because I'm not in the mood. And hitting someone may ensure an evil feeling- as well as certain death (if it's one of the FanFic Ladies lol) iZaln