Broken: Feedback/Misc. Disscussion

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by *Irin (01), Jan 23, 2011.

  1. Alright, that's it. I give up. I fold. I hate chapter 10 with a dying passion, and so I quit. It's not worth the concussion I'm getting from banging my head against the wall in frustration. So no more. Ever. I quit.

    On second thought, I can't quit, 'cause then I would be bored out of my mind. So no, I don't quite. I'm just very frustrated.

    So...yeah...I just needed to vent. But I'm done now. Except to tell you that this is why nothing new has been put up. 'Cause chapter 10 hates me.


  2. Awww poor Irin! I had the same problem with chapter 13, but I put it up lol
  3. Then don't consider it chapter 10, consider it chapter 9 1 or 9.5, that might help.
  4. Thats terrible Irin! I've felt like that before too, In the end I just force myself to write then move on to the nicer chapters.
  5. Thanks for the support guys.

    It wasn't that I didn't like what I wrote, it was that I couldn't think of what to write. 

    @Mystique, I actually thought your last chapter was good.

    @Seth, I was considering skipping ten and going right into eleven, but there's about a trillion reasons why that won't work.

    @Stora, I guess that's the plan right now. *~*
  6. Whatever happened to Keir?
  7. Keir used to be one if the regulars on fan fic. But he didn't write. Only read. I don't know where he went. Strange...


    Take THAT chapter 10.

  8. I don't know what you were talking about?

  9. @Mystique, Me? About what?
  10. About how bad chapter 10 was, it was AWSUM!
  11. Aww thanks! I only thought it would be terrible because I couldn't think of ANYTHING. I have this sequence of how everything has to be in a timeline to a certain point. I just don't want things to go to fast.
  12. It was a very good chapter, I couldn't tell that u had trouble with it
  13. Thanks, Stora!
  14. What a chapter... How morbid 0.o Didn't know that side of Irin haha. But nice chapter nonetheless. Bravo Lover of Renethon! Haha

  15. Really great addition
  16. Thanks guys!

    @Zaln, that was nothing. (Hint hint)
  17. The suspence is killing me pls post
  18. Pls rite more irin