Sorry everyone,life was getting crazy. And dont worry, I would NEVER leave without a long elaborate goodbye speech that would make all of you cry. Anyway chapter 8 is up.
Omnomnomnomnom Just realized you started the next book... Guess that means I have to update endgame now don't I... Btw it was epic as always. The battle scene with the wolf was perfectly timed, things were on the verge of getting a bit boring. But hey, you caught it and converted it to a great chapter. Seth
But thats nothing compared to the quality of everything else! That really good! i expect more tomorrow>
Thanks, I was just reading over some of it. But you forgot the 'war,' instead of 'wore,' I think its somewhere in chapter 8. I don't know what I was thinking. XD And bye tomorrow? Seriously? I dont work well with deadlines.
@Mystique, lol, yes, I'm very slappy happy! XD Loved the short story, btw! @Seth, I can see your point. It gets boring writing about a character who does nothing but mope. I needed a way to get her out of her slump, and decided to kill two birds with one stone and have her find Paltier. And yes, you do need to write more endgame. And then write a second book...then a third. Anyway, thanks guys!