The only difference between old and new kaw was that there were more loyal families to their clanmates.
anyways ill explain it a clan goes to war with another clan, who has an osf(open spy farm(which is a pure spy) and an oaf(open attack farm(no spy buildings) and the ine clan hits the **** out of the osf/oafs and thn right before its over the attackig clan forfeits and the osf who spied once or the oaf who attacked ince, they get the war tax(like 15% or something around there, long time i dont really remember) and then while its a 48hr war, most clans actually had 2other clans that some statless alts started war with about 22hours left in the one war and then they repeat the process... thats pwars in a nutshell, not sure about tax, maybe it was 20% i dint exactly remember aha
This isn't directed at any one player or thread, but is instead, meant to address a steady flow of comments i have seen bantered around forums for months now. I've heard numerous people pine away for the "old KaW" days. These were the golden days of KaW, when there were no EBs, and players fought players! In that time, it was kingdoms at WAR, and by god, we all waged mighty mighty wars. People actually hit back. It was a fun game then, unlike now, where the app is littered with nothing but EB fairies. (Spits on ground). I want my old KaW back. "Old KaW" like Camelot, is a myth. It isn't real. It never was real. As one who's been here for a while, I can tell you what life before EBs was like. Yea, there was war, but not much more than there was today. Many players (my self included) had lists of large inactive accounts that we could hit for cheap fast cash. As we grew, we would find even larger inactive accounts, and pass the old "farms" we out grew to younger players. Then, because people even back then tried to get cash with out really warring, the era of Pwars came along. Pwars were "pretend wars". Now, people didn't need too keep secret lists of inactive players. They could simply join the latest Pwar and grow that way. Pwars weren't all bad. They were actually kind of an organic community based EB. Instead of hitting a skeleton, you were hitting Stevex, the OAF. (Or insert any other player who was an OAF/OSF) pwars, like the lists of inactives we kept, were all about getting fast growth/cash with no risk of getting hit. (The one thing I missed about pwars was that you could piss off a lot of people by shutting down the OSF, and that WAS fun.) The next thing to come along was the era of EBs. People flock to EBs to item hunt and grow. EBs are just a natural extension of the Pwar. The difference between Pwar and EB is that 1. EBs drop items And 2. There is no more rapid growth for OAF/OSF players That's it. So, in summation, what I'm trying to say is, players have always looked for the easy way to get cash in this game. The "old KaW" experience, where everyone was a bare knuckled brawler who would fight and scratch their way up the ladder while facing an army of equally determined foes simply never existed. All those who long for the old ways of the game are yearning to go back to a time that never was. Also, to the people who want war, there are still plenty of players on this all who will give it to you. Anyone who says they can't find people who hit back is "doing it wrong" Anyhow, those are my moosey musings for today. Thanks for reading, and as always, Happy KaWing
I was an alt till I reset my silenced main, to grow a talking account, check blakatak wall not only are you there blackhandextreme another alt of mine is there also, once my buddy hit you off Bl an your reply was really???you want some of this lmao we gave him a hard time out of everybody on bl he hit you so we left it to him to fix cause he messed up an we didn't want want non of bh incoming.
Moose must really like to hear himself talk. So much so that any lengthy written statement he makes he keeps a copy of it. Correct me if I'm wrong. Didn't you post this exact same thing on someone other whiners forum (not that their is anything wrong with it) Who cried about wanting old KaW back As for op you say you have not grown because you choose not too. So you must be loaded with gold or BB cuz you don't have much in allies but yet you have equipment from these EB's that don't hit back. So where does all your gold go? My guess is you just suck at the game. Adapt and overcome. It's not going to change back to a time before EB's. So if you want a 1v1 go find one.
Conan, it was a thread he created in mid august. He bumped it about 20 minutes ago and probably copy and pasted it from there
Your grasp of technology sucks. No. I don't keep that post on my hard drive, I used a the KaW "search engine" (its a virtual one. It doesn't need gas) and I looked up the thread that has that post. I place that information on threads like that because i think it counters the people who whine for bygone days that were never real quite well. Its also a nice foil for statless alts and players who haven't been around that long but like to claim they have. Anyhow, if you're tired of my post, that's fine, I'm tired if threads like this, so we are even. Before you ask "why do I click on threads I'm tired of?". He reason is, "I'm a moderator and feel a compulsion to inject some common sense into these tired old subjects."
Yes my technology skills are certainly lacking. I knew I had seen it before and as I stated nothing wrong with it I like what you had to say. Didn't remember it was your own thread. Just assumed you kept it on Such hostility Moose, old age getting to ya ? You should smile more. Been around this long and no hunters have gotten a clean shot on ya
Durr I'm OP, I hate ebs that don't hit back. Bring back pwars for easy gold since they hit back too durr. I haz been playin for like 7 years I like old kawz. My stats are bad but I like being weak durr.
Old kaw their were no official clans, no system wars, no ebs, your max build was t3 and you earned money through the battle list. 3b was a difficult feat to reach. Old kaw will never return it has become a vague memory of the past that will never be seen again.