Bring back "Joined in War"

Discussion in 'Wars' started by _J___e____m________o__________, Feb 15, 2013.

  1. @Jam, the EE wars have been going on for quite some time now. If a player doesn't know to veil then they really haven't been keeping up with current events at all. As far as being dropped, most clans end up kicking their inactives at the 2hr mark anyway. Because let's face it, sometimes rl happens and it's more than understandable, so a lot of clans no matter how well prepared end up with inactives. This would just alleviate them from having to take time out of the war to kick at the 2hr mark, plus reduce the amount of lost plunder from said inactives. I would even like to see a notification in the players newsfeed, that says something like "you have been dropped from EE war #1-5 for inactivity" I'm even going to go so far as to say after 30 minutes even. That's 2 KO's. more than enough time.
  2. Drgn, It's not that people don't know how to veil, or don't know of the EE wars. What I'm saying is that some clans decide to war at last minute.

    I have never been in very few wars when people started kicking members at the 2h mark. If it was truly that bad, don't you think they'd forfeit?

    Plus, implementing this whole dropping member thing would go against the clan loyalty idea anyways.
  3. I'm just not sure if dropping members is a good idea.. An auto veil or some other way to keep a member in the clan would be much better.
  4. I think the knocked out thing is ok. But how about u Become knocked out one hit 0 troops and spies. But once u got troops/spies u come back Into the war
  5. Inactives should be auto kicked and thrown into a server limbo,such as they can't perform actions in/out of war with option to xstal bck into war.
  6. Troops would either remain at zero to end of war or til xstal is used.
  7. Drgnblade has made lemonade and has stayed and paid with marmalade in the Everglades.
  8. Just for future reference jam, 4 hours is 1/6 of the day not 1/4. If you want to war with your clan, then be there. If you don't want to veil. If you forget, bye bye. Support to you drgn!