Brian Williams vs Bill O'Reilly

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Black-Dragon, Mar 2, 2015.

  1. Never met a liberal snake before. Met a lot of consertavie crooks, though. I bet you are unhappy the poor get a better shot at survival due Obama Care.
  2. Brian Williams is the anchorman of a national news program. Each of the top three networks has one. It's a very high profile position to have. His embellishments are childish and foolishly unprofessional. The NBC show has lost credibility due to his ridiculous action. He will soon lose his job for what he said. To have a 6 month suspension means they're looking of a replacement.
  3. Your precious Obama care isn't going to be around much longer enjoy your free ride while you have it. Your president and his "executive orders" are systematically destroying us, think about your kids survival, thier generation is absolutely 100% screwed because of things like Obama care. As for survival of the poor, social Darwinism should be allowed to take its course, we don't need more people living on welfare to support thier meth addiction and people like me paying for thier health care.
  4. Excellent post.
    It's a shame it's even a question, that if a representative of the news industry is found to be intentionally lying, especially in light of the fact they hold the power to influence popular opinion.
    They should be fired and prosecuted if and where necessary on every incident where a lie is proven.

    Journalists are supposed to report the news. Not put a spin on it.
    They are there to present is with the facts ( ok maybe as they see them) but those facts should always be able to held up under scrutiny.

    It's why we need a free press, but one that is accountable to the highest standards of honesty.
    The people who depend upon the news networks to help keep them informed of current events have the right to expect a truthful journalist presenting the facts in the least biased manner possible at all times.
  5. You're an example of what Mann and Ornstein were talking about. You're all rhetoric and no facts.

    Obama's executive orders are "destroying" us, but you can't say how. Our kids are "screwed" because of ObamaCare, but you can't say how. You rant against welfare for poor people but seem oblivious to the fact that corporate welfare costs us more. You're ideologically extreme; scornful of compromise; unmoved by conventional understanding of facts, evidence and science; and dismissive of the legitimacy of the political opposition.

    You're the problem.
  6. Democrats = Socialism. Liberals want freedom, but think the government needs to be incharge of all aspects of our lives.
    Republicans = Fascism. Intolerant, pretends to want smaller government but grows it when they are in power.
    Yep,pretty much the same, just different lol
  7. I like how when i bring up a point about dems, i get pegged as a right wing nut job, and when i say something about repubs I become a flaming liberal.

    Just to make it clear, Im way more liberal than any democrat, but i want the government to let us handle our own lives. So that makes me a liberal conservative i guess.
  8. That's simplistic. Not all Democrats or Republicans think like that.
  9. I'm ok with that, but I'll point out there's no lack of a third party.

    We have plenty of political parties in this country already. The biggest 3rd parties are probably the Libertarians and the Green party. They've never attracted an significant amount of votes. Why is debatable, but if I had to guess I'd say it's because their policy positions simply don't appeal to the majority of people.
  10. It may be simplistic, but it is true that most republucans blame the countries problems on Democrats, and vice versa. Its old, im tired of hearing the "but Bush and Cheney" argument ALL THE TIME! Cant change what happened 14 years ago, but we dont seem to learn from past mistakes either.
  11. Polarized politics is problematic n nothing changes. Party politics is a pissin match.
    Jesse Ventura suggested abolish parties n vote for individuals. Makes too much sense. Status quo n let the power brokers run the show.

    Just remove names n put in the party n get it right. Not voting for ppl anyways. U r voting for a party platform n who is behind it.
  12. @ the_red_wolf

    You can't learn from mistakes if you're not willing to admit something was a mistake. That's the problem with being ideologically rigid and it's not limited to a particular party.

    Examples: Many Republicans think trickle down economics works despite overwhelming evidence it doesn't. Many Democrats think the solution for the education system is to throw more money at it, despite the fact that we already spend more per student than many countries with better test scores. They believe it because they want to believe despite evidence that shows otherwise.
  13. Republicans also believe in protectionism.
    Til an economist points out unemployment rises as a result.

    As for education a scholarship for sports n leave after 1yr hardly is about education.

    Problem is parties n not thinking for oneself.
    Toe the line