All media is not to be trusted, they all want ratings and just report in such a way to further support the views of their primary audience. I can't remember where I saw this, but it's an interesting point: Fox News and MSNBC report in drastically different ways - but what if those biases are simply a farce to distract the public from real issues?
Hydra sounds exactly like the sheeple they have been trying to breed. Anyone who would defend a liar, regardless of tittle, needs to look within their own morals. It's says more about you for defending a liar than it does him lying. That's the problem with our society these days. Pure bred sheeple.
Bill is fox clown/muppet. He wont get fired cuz hes not afraid/shy to say anything his fox masters tell him to. So no.
Monkey u dont eben bote dude.however, i agree hydra is a sheep and a huge bush(aka the war criminal) suck up.
You sound like a moron that calls people sheeple. I haven't defended nobody. Learn how to read. I showed you the differences between commentary and actual news. Now what, is all you are gonna do is run your mouth Chump
I get where your coming from op. The problem with what your saying is that plenty of other people in media and in the politics they report about are lying as well. On top of this, every single person in news and politics is slightly biased on way or another. What I'm saying is, why is anyone suprised by Brian Williams and Bill O'Reilly lying. You can't trust media at all anymore. If you really want an unbiased news source, use these two things most people have called legs and go find the facts out for yourself. You don't need media to survive, in fact, if it's a speech your trying to learn about it's pretty easy to only watch the speech part and skip the after show. I know that's what I do.
I agree. I get it. I think is what people fail to see is Bill O'Reilly is a commentator on cable news. Brian Williams is a evening news anchor. The needed integrity is different in my opinion. People don't look to Fox News for unbiased news. Plus any of you that haven't told a lie. Please tell us all how you have never lied. I don't need a laugh, but I'll surely do so.
Al Sharpton is on MSNBC right now. He is a liar. A cheat. A snitch. And is hardly liked by the people he claims to represent. Dudes be saying **** Al Sharpton. That's a 4 letter word the big one.
Hydra prob is the whacko gop extremists watch fox news and think what they report is real. I myself hate democrats and republican talking heads so im screwed either way
I didn't realize O'Reilly was taking that much heat. I do kind of apologize Op. I told you guys I didnt watch or read msm. It's skews my opinion, because it is opinionated. I do enjoy coming to my own conclusions whenever possible. I still stand by what I said. I never seen O'Reilly as anything accept a commentator in his current role. Since I don't watch O'Reilly regularly it really doesn't effect me in anyway. I never really trusted or distrusted Mr. O'Reilly to begin with. I don't think this scandal would change they way I interrupt the information he gives. Of course that is my personal opinion, and the way I view media figures in general. I still draw a distinction between O'Reilly and Williams in their roles. And I will never see Fox, CNN, MSNBC as anything other than news/entertainment. With suspect information coming from them all. If anyone is curious. I am watching Chris Cuomo a little closer. He seems to working hard. That or indulging hard. I'll give him the benefit of. Although I don't agree with all his politics. He has potential. I like Maddows approach. Even if I don't agree with most of what she says. See presents her case like a attorney. I respect that. Although I can only tolerate it in small doses. The obvious one side argument gets stale. So I view like once or twice a month. The same way I view O'Reilly. Rarely. If we are after media figures for lying do we get to kick the liars in political office out? They shouldn't be exempt for any reason. And held to the highest of standards. And can we also take on alternative media like TYT? They are using a obvious name of a genocidal movement and I find it highly offensive and repulsive. Brian Williams vs Bill O'Reilly. It's not that important to me. Good day OP.
What I find is liberals are more conservative than conservatives. Who else but liberals get pissed off over things that don't concern them?
Any one remember " I did not have sexual relations with that woman, Monica Lewinski" proven liar and womaniser, but it was ok. He was a democrat.
Bill Clinton got raked over the coals for his transgressions, even by Democrats. Richard Cheney and George Bush continuously lied about Iraq, and Republicans still support them and even defend those lies. So although they are politicians and do not hold themselves out as trusted news sources, which is a separate matter, it appears there are some parallels to the discussion at hand. Namely, how Brian Williams was vilified, attacked, suspended, and has had to profusely apologize, while Bill O'Reilly has been given a free pass by his supporters for worse and more numerous transgressions. Even here we find apologists advocating that Bill O'Reilly does not need to keep to a standard such as honesty in the events he touts as true. Thus we have the double standard. As to your point, it appears that while Democrats attack and rebuke anyone who lies, Republicans tend to allow for liars on their side and either support the lies or become apologists. Edited because using Richard Cheney's accepted first name gives the appearance that I am calling him a non-acceptable name.
I remember that Newt Gingrich, the House Speaker who pushed for impeachment, was having an affair himself at the time with one of his staff members. He also was later reprimanded by the House (395 in favor, 28 opposed) for violating tax laws and the Ethics Committee's Special Counsel James M. Cole concluded that Gingrich had lied to the ethics panel in an effort to force the committee to dismiss the complaint against him. That doesn't excuse Clinton, but if you're trying to imply that Democrats get away with things that Republicans don't get away with, you're seriously barking up the wrong tree. The not so long ago cases of Rep. Anthony Weiner (D) and Sen. David Vitter (R) is an example. Weiner resigned after being pressured by his party for texting explicit material of himself. Vitter was supported by his party and reelected after it became known that he had for years committed adultery and had frequented paid escorts for carnal activities, which by the way, is a actual crime. Vitter, currently serving in the Senate, is also running for governor of Louisiana this year.
How dare u talk like that about clinton? Shouldnt u b more worried about bush the war criminal whose lies brought war and recession to America? Amazing how u consider Clinton's affairs as bad but u give bush a free pass.
So now this has become a right versus left discussion. Surprised it took so long. Here is my opinion: the two major American political parties are essentially the same. They both lie. They both fleece the American taxpayer. They will both look at a problem and focus on "fixing" one aspect of it when clearly more should be done. Typically that fix hurts the other side as much as it "fixes" the problem. If you're an American and want better government you should vote 3rd party. A viable 3rd party (doesn't matter which one) would make the 2 big parties better. They would have to actually address problems and improve versus just opposing the other side. ️
There isn't a viable third party, and while there are many similarities between the Republican and Democratic parties, they're definitely not the same. As flawed as the Democratic party is, it's currently far better than the Republican party. Thomas E. Mann and Norman J. Ornstein sum it up nicely: "We have been studying Washington politics and Congress for more than 40 years, and never have we seen them this dysfunctional. In our past writings, we have criticized both parties when we believed it was warranted. Today, however, we have no choice but to acknowledge that the core of the problem lies with the Republican Party. The GOP has become an insurgent outlier in American politics. It is ideologically extreme; scornful of compromise; unmoved by conventional understanding of facts, evidence and science; and dismissive of the legitimacy of its political opposition. When one party moves this far from the mainstream, it makes it nearly impossible for the political system to deal constructively with the country’s challenges. “Both sides do it” or “There is plenty of blame to go around” are the traditional refuges for an American news media intent on proving its lack of bias, while political scientists prefer generality and neutrality when discussing partisan polarization. Many self-styled bipartisan groups, in their search for common ground, propose solutions that move both sides to the center, a strategy that is simply untenable when one side is so far out of reach." ... story.html To put it bluntly, the Republican party is being dominated by a minority within the party itself that is bat crap crazy. Don't think so? Fifty plus votes to repeal ObamaCare prove otherwise. Or you can just look at fact that a minority within the GOP was willing and eager to default on America's debt for the first time in history in order to get what they couldn't get by votes. That's not responsible governing. That's freaking insanity. So no, both parties are not essentially the same.