My intent wasn't to make this a strictly political issue. A little digging would reveal liars on the right as well as the left. Neither party has a monopoly on moral high ground. This DOES, however, enforce my distrust of the media. Most media peeps are liars. The difference is only that the likes of Dan Rather and Brian Williams told whoppers, as opposed to the standard acceptable Ammount of dishonesty
Also, bringing up Fox News and republicans and saying "they lie too" may be true, but it also strikes me as "moral equivocation " which is something I have little use for. Ive seen pats fans use moral equivocation as well when defending the cheating done by their team. At the end of the day, right is right and wrong is wrong, no matter what side of the isle or sideline you stand on
I don't think this is accurate Zeth. Although some on left. Leftist. Do not like the armed forces. Or more likely the leadership of the armed forces. That is kind of key. For example. Many on the left side of American politics would like to see action in Ukraine/Syria. Or any military action that furthers what they want to accomplish. Those are the neo-con types. Hillary, Obama, Kerry, etc etc. No need to mention the American Right conservative. Like McCain. You should make these distinctions, because you can be a conservative liberal. Or a liberal conservative of any affiliation or ideological faction. It may seem some of these democratic political figure dislike the military, but it mainly leadership of. And it's mostly democratic neo-cons. That's what the military purge was all about.
Please. Your intent was to make this entirely a political issue. Otherwise you would have stuck to Williams and not brought up Clinton. As for "whoppers" vs "standard acceptable amount of dishonesty" which is more harmful to the public? Lying about being exposed to hostile fire, or telling people that Ebola could be spread into the general population through a sneeze or a cough and trying to create a panic like George Will did? I don't consider either to be acceptable but clearly the "standard acceptable amount of dishonesty" by George Will had the potential to cause more harm.
Moose you have been around in the world awhile now. You know as well as anyone people make up lies and fabricated tales. It's no surprise to me anytime anyone gets caught lying. I've come to expect this out of people. It isn't a bad idea to believe nothing you hear until you can prove it to be fact. Whether it comes from some news anchor, or your next door neighbor. Hillary Clinton dodges snipers. Lol. Just like she got a rapist off of criminal charges and bragged about it. Unfortunately these are the people young and impressionable individuals are subjected to as role model figures. The people giving you the news. The people who govern your state and country. The people who protect you. Old, jaded liars.
Dragon: the reason I am discussing Williams today is because its very current news. The reason I brought in Hillary is because even though her news is older, it seemed to dovetail nicely with what is breaking this week. That's about it. As for asking what kind of lie is worse, Ebola or stolen valor tales, I'm not hear to defend one over the other. Both are bad. I am simply running a thread to collect commentary on these two individuals, as well as the news of the day. If you'd like to make a thread about Regan or o'riely or some other right wing talking icon, feel free. I won't lock it.
his helicopter did take small arms fire. (according to an interview view with the pilot i saw on ccn) not saying his story was 100%. it wasn't. he embellished the story quite a bit. no rpg. he wasn't even in the same group of copters as the one that was shot down. i'm personally disappointed that he did it. news outlets have a responsibility in this country. they can't just change events to make their stories more interesting. no further opinion atm. brain is numb from event.
@ Moose You already did defend one over the other when you label one a "whopper" and dismiss the other as a "standard acceptable amount of dishonesty". And your political bias is obvious by the fact you only want to discuss these two individuals, one of which has nothing to do the current news.
The reality is news on television, and in general is an entertainment industry now. Simple considerations like truth and what is newsworthy are balanced against sensationalism to create a profitable show, just like other aspects of tv. It's no shock to me that Mr Williams decided to remake his story several times, depending on his audience. HBO nailed the industry in 'The Newsroom'. Probably why it only lasted three seasons.
wait. williams isn't an anchor on msnbc. he is an anchor on nbc. and there is no valid reason to mention hillary in this. dude. bias much? you're just trying to trash organizations you don't like.
Meh. My broader point to the "whopper" comment is that the news is notoriously unreliable, and that smaller lies are considered the standard operating procedure of the day Williams sin was that he exceeded the normal parameters of political bias and slanted reporting and went right Into downright fiction. As for my politics, yea. I never make any effort to hide the fact I'm a conservative moose. And I'll never claim to be unbiased. However, people who level charges of bias against me have proven time and again that they them selves are bias too, so the "you're so bias" arguement holds little sway with me. Everyine reading this thread had their own unique bias, and that bias will determine how they view events and what comments they chose to leave. That's part if being human.
I want to try something quick. I'm gonna use Zeth. He is adult that at one time had a full beard. I think. Now Zeth is right leaning. He probably didn't supported Ferguson and Black Lives matter. Rightfully so. It's was fabricated upon a lie and bought and paid for. No grass roots. Grass roots leadership doesn't need political handouts. All the other noise that goes with. Sharpton, Holder, Obama. But. Zeth probably supports the Median in Ukraine. And probably feels we should arm the Ukrainian army. Even though it was bought and paid for by the same man. This is the confusion the lies create. You support the people who you think you are against and vice versa. I could be wrong on Zeth. If so I apologize. It something I commonly see in right leaning young adult Americans. Which I find more attractive then the bigotry of his opposites. Even if confused.
I stand corrected on the msnbc VS nbc issue. As for Hillary, I just did that because it seemed to tie in well topically with Williams. I could have done the same thing with John Kerry I suppose. As for trashing people and organizations I don't like, hell yea. Lol. I won't even pretend that I don't do that.
boo. boo i say. i hate when people take that "they are the other team, i must discredit them! who cares if it isn't true! they are the other team! wow, they had a good idea! i must tell everyone how terrible that idea is, or they could win!" its an insane way to look at the world. stick to the facts. have a proper debate. -1 moose.
@Wordwaster. Hillary is disgusting. I don't know how anyone could support someone who laughs about getting a rapist of the hook. Truly. If you support that you are no woman. Go listen to the audio. Just what we need. To extend the Clinton/Bush dynasty. 300 million Americans and you guys think is the best have.
I would vote Michelle in before Hillary. At least Big Mike knows to say American Sniper is a good movie. She walked out the White House. Seen sniper cover. And said. "Awesome Movie"
You're 9/10 of the way right, but wrong about Ukraine. I don't support arming them. Also, don't use me. I've had an overdose of being used before. Lol jk.
You could have tried. Kerry was actually in Vietnam, actually saw combat, and nearly all of his former crew mates have stated that allegations against him are false. Additionally, the Navy Inspector General conducted a review of Kerry's combat medals and concluded his awards were properly approved.