BREAKING NEWS: cop found not guilty

Discussion in 'Other KaW Discussion' started by GuNnYLepine, Nov 25, 2014.

  1. This happened in London few years ago. Nothing came of it, people smashed **** up for a while, robbed businesses, then when the police were given permission to use necessary force, the yobs ran back home, and slowly slowly the perpetrators were arrested. The people rioting probably don't even know the guy who got shot, it's just a bandwagon. Y'all will forget about this when the next black kid gets shot by a white man defending himself. *apparently, I know no specifics on this*
  2. Don't allow the few people who did this affect your whole outlook on it all.
  3. The prosecutor destroyed the media for its hand in stirring racial tensions over this case. Which is the reason the media hate him an criticized him so harshly last night and today. It was a natural reaction for having been called out.

    The prosecutor laid out the evidence saying how many witnesses blatantly lied or were just wrong about their testimony. The evidence fully supported Wilson. He sustained injuries, Brown's DNA was INSIDE the police car. All shots were in the front. Witnesses that had testimony that matched the physical evidence all said Brown was moving towards Wilson when fatally shot. In the end black people on the grand jury heard the same evidence as the rest and found no probable cause. Witnesses with accurate testimony were all black.

    Because of the media and willing thugs from outside of Ferguson (who btw still chanted "Hands up, don't shoot!" Which was totally disproved by the evidence and eyewitness testimony. It just illustrated the intelligence level of the people protesting IMO) Ferguson burned.
  4. If you aren't working to stop the violence. You are working against the people. They suffer from. Like always. We can get into historical evidence of what burning businesses does to black communities. It destroys them.

    I would like to know exactly who the arsons are.

    Focus on not doing this is a must. This isn't the second American revolution.

  5. This kind of reminds me of the Crucible, where Danforth says that you're either with the court, or against it.

    There is a grey line on everything, no matter how small. I'm not doing anything to stop violence (mostly because I can't), but I'm definitely not against the people.
  6. Bob Loblaws law blog
  7. The cop shouldn't of been charged with anything in the first place. He took a thug off the streets, good for him.
  8. He shot a kid

    *edit* with a gun

    *edit* Not a tazer.
  9. Life was in danger, I think I'd prefer a gun too.
  10. Who made the business hit list? Anon?

    The good Reverend has another thing coming is h thinks he can justify arson and looting as well.

    Degenerates leading youth in the wrong direction. Thinking they are saving someone, but only helping to destroy a community.
  11. These Ferguson thugs are no better than a lynch mob. Their feelings are more important than justice. The mantra of the left.
  12. No real way to prove it, but I bet you every one of those protesters voted (maybe several times) for Obama... If they even knew when Election Day was and voted at all.
  13. If he shot the kid with a tazer he'd have been a flapping fish on the floor rather than a lifeless vegetable in a box. You're trained before you become a cop you know. He has 10 years on the kid, and he drove after him and him and his friend ran off. During that 'chase' he could have called for back-up, used his asp to crack a limb, or tazer his ass. Instead he shot him multiple times, and in the head.
  14. Brown attacked him? The dude was a bear. What was he like 6-4 300 pounds?
  15. They should have ran Bassam Masri out of town day 1.


    You don't except help from outsiders like that.
    I imagine the support would have been much more if cats like this weren't roaming around.

    People didn't care for him. Just saying. You can't make this crap up if you tried. Smh
  16. If a bear charged me I'd shoot him multiple times, and in the head, too.
  17. Thank god #supportofficerwilson
  18. Shame it's a kid and not a bear. The cop could have put his foot down, evade and position himself, he could have even done his window up let alone if a 28 year old train officer smacked an 18 year old in his jaw he'd fall like a sack of potatoes.
  19. Did you see how huge the kid was? And how scrawny the officer was?
  20. I'm sure doing his window up and driving 5ft forwards would have got him safely away from the 'bear'.