Brave the Elements!

Discussion in 'Past Events' started by [ATA]Grant, Dec 2, 2015.

  1. Glad the devs have done something different and are focusing on just elements. However, I do agree with Kezzer.
  2. Good idea, and a nice change up devs. We need more of these drops, this event is helpful.
  3. Add steel / cloth to hte drops thx.
  4. I think this event is good progress, sure it's super soon and no wait time but there are good things about it.

    1.You get to choose
    - you don't just get a bundle you can go for aqua or inferno OR both!
    2. Only one item to collect for each event!
    -You aren't chasing 4 separate items and if you just wanted aqua its just one item to hunt!
    3. Not new equip/banners
    -Sure its a rehash of the same event but its not 4 items and its something players asked for, everyone was complaining about no having enough stuff to enchant this shows that devs actually do listen! You have to continue filling their pockets but they are doing more for us than it appears.
    4. It's only a week!

    Just a few positive things I see in this event. Don't give up on devs yet they are moving in the right direction. :)
  5. Lots of people have asked to do something about all the aqua and inferno needed to max the event equips so this is a step in right direction by the devs, I hope. Perhaps they are listening a little bit :)
  6. I like this idea as so many players have just a big imbalance of one or the other .....I am a little jaded by the back to back promos but this one is quite sensible.
  7. Stop posting this all over the place.

    As I said last time

  8. Where are the break of the events?! I get tired of the game... used to love it but this is way too intensive... I guess it is not only me I am speaking of. Some are even about to fail finale exams cuz of the man events!
  9. Real life first bud. In the end it's just a game and passing those exams is more important. There will always be another event.
  10. Why don't we make it so HTE drops aqua, inferno, banner materials, build tokens, crux chests, scrolls, equip from every other eb in KaW an increase plunder to 1T a hit for everybody? Then you never have to hit a reg eb to get some drops like the rest of us. :lol:
  11. Another event... why
  12. Dumb event -- also hte needs steel/ cloth drop as paid eb we should get most of it gold and steel/cloth
  13. Dumb event because HTE only drops one of them for once, Wink?

    Just because you're choosing to pay to KaW, doesn't mean you should just get everything in the game. You chose good gold and fast growth over the other aspects - your decision. You can just as easily hit a TSG or whatever for some banner materials.
  14. Everyone that dislikes this isn't mad at the devs, they'll play anyways.

    They are mad at the consistent top 10 because your everyday players can't spend and keep up with them. Only problem is that the everyday players are a different league. It'd be like putting a teeball team against an mlb team.

    There's no way to make it fair, life happens. Spend or dont, they don't care. You don't see any top 10 typical event spenders complaining do you? Because they enjoy the competition at that level.
  15. Thanks kaw_community, this gives a nice break from yet another new eq. Will we be having a PVP Blitz. weekend? ;)

    As for the whiners, just quit whining. If you don't like this, just stop chasing any targets in the event and be contented with whatever free stuff you get at the end of day.

    So what LB are gonna spend money? If you are so bloody unhappy about them paying the taps, just farm those on LB if you like, no one is stopping you, no?
  16. Wow what a crappy promo to split clans up based off what an individual account needs.
  17. Sometimes less is moreā€¦
  18. At a certain point people need to understand it's like life, some spend to get ahead. Doesn't mean you can't have fun. For example I am too big to be hit or hit a 3 mil Cs player. This does not stop him from having fun hitting people his own size
  19. 750 aqua and inferno reward!!! Thats crazy!!
  20. Noob always making events can't get enought money