Yeah, for everyone who blitzed eb's at the end to get what they needed for next tier, there then needs to be some small amount of time available to actually convert them. Just silly.
And what if like me you couldn't get online today until just after event ended due to technical reasons. Some time to redeem seems fair, I don't mean string it on for ever but an hour or two come on. Pile of BS! At least tell me unused tokens can carry over to the next time.
I did actually. But that doesn't account for all the hard work I put in late last night and early this morning.
Forgot to convert also lol. Wasnt it the Last Times That You had some Time after the end to convert? I remember being mad about it then because i converted already and had to wait longer for the reward .
Typical KAW regs whining because they don't read the damn directions. If you'd bother to pay attention, you might not be making a public spectacle of yourself. And in true entitled fashion, you act like you're owed something just because you tried hard. Welcome to real life.
In the past the devs have given an hour to convert items. You can get items up to the end of the event but doesn't matter better you can't convert them this time.
Exactly. Devs already know that you can't convert items when your last eb finishes seconds before event is done. It's not like this is the first event they run....