Thanks for the crystal but, where are our missed drops? You can't make up the event rules as you go along...
The free xtal KAW wide is a poor compensation my smallest acc got drops and then received a xtal,kindly check clan histories and give out the drops that were supposed to be given.Yes it's work for you but isn't that what you are supposed to be doing,also the 2nd LIGNABELUA eb is still locked going on a yr now isn't it time for its release. event on top of an event that's been running?? Makes absolutely no sense. Are you hurting that much from your donation the other day that now you're encouraging hte again. This new event sucks
Why break it into two shards?? You just made its completely worst by splitting it up? It make no sense unless you want people spending more money. It useless for low level rewarding ebs, basically cash cropping.