Brave the Elements Returns!

Discussion in 'Past Events' started by [ATA]Grant, Feb 16, 2016.

  1. I'm not and more and more people each day aren't either.
  2. You can talk about ambiguous language, but there is nothing ambiguous about, "dropping from a different EB every day." That is pretty clear that every day it is going to change, and it didn't. So where are our reparations???
  3. So are bloodrain epic battles always dropping tokens as well?

    Noticed smoke signals br dropped tokens throughout its 48 hours and now cor br is also dropping tokens. Smoke signals also seemed to continue to drop tokens after the 12 pm pst alternating, or lack of alternating time, depending on which ebs you are alternating.
  4. The event isn't horrible the drop rates are decent free aqua or inferno which ever you chose the only thing I don't like is the silver bars being so low,please make the silver bar rewards higher and it'll be a decent event
  5. Please. Tell it to stop returning.
  6. @devs, can I ask, what's with the sb from the PvP event? I appreciate it ofcourse... But it's actually quite insulting how low it is lol.
  7. Then stop whining you imbecile.
  8. Better yet, quit lmao
  9. Yes, all blood rains epic battles have dropped so far! :)
  10. Thought that last update was to fix the oracle? Cause I still can't buy anything, guess I should thank kaw for saving me my $
  11. Where is PvP achievement 
  12. No support. Kaw take his monies!
  13. Events are favoring top spenders more and more: No support
  14. Please include some new rare bar (silver &bronze)..
  15. Gold!
  16. Gold bars costing 50b lol
  17. AFF is not dropping this rotation FYI.
  18. Not that the devs care, however there "alternation" aspect of this promo really screwed the pooch (no pun intended) Asof/Lotl Dropping every other day wouldn't be so bad. What's hurting is running one or the other early & hoping it changes after 12 PST. Twice now I've seen Lotl drop x2 rotations & twice Asof was started early to catch the early end of things. These battles are considerably to long to complete only to have there opposite take a second round on rotation & set back hours upon hours of work for nothing (promo wise). Thanks again Devs, couldn't be satisfied with alternating everything but Rotwb/Hte/Br's but you want to screw us over by making the same thing drop for two rotations? Again gee thanks.
  20. This is not a company i want any more business with