Boycott Time Trials

Discussion in 'Wars' started by spookyrobbie, Jul 4, 2014.

  1. Naw if you guys spent a ltitle money in the first place the devs wouldn't need to do things like this. You all want updates upon updates but you are not will to pay anything to help fund the devs work.

    Stop being whiney bitches and play the game
  2. Y'all do realize the reason they probably haven't given the updates yall are demanding is because y'all keep "rising against" them and not buying things. Thus not giving them money that they need to make the updates. stop throwing a fit because they raised the xtal limit, it's not hurting you, they're not saying you have to buy xtals. they're saying that if you choose to, then you have more to do with them. buy them or don't, stop throwing a fit over it and let other people buy them so they can update the game. 
  3. I'll boycott anything, so long as I don't understand it.
  4. Quit crying! You dont wanna do the time trials then dont. You dont wanna burn xtals then dont. Yall are worse than my 1 year old kid
  5. Oranjeboom, why support the devs by spending while they did NOTHING useful over the past 2 years?
  6. Even my pinky toe has better ideas than the devs.
  7. Please tell us more about how your build was acquired solely through attacking people and not through epic battles.
  8. Please tell me how what youre saying has any relevance to this topic
  9. My clan will not be participating in time trials either.
  10. Lots of uninformed nooblets on here. ATA is a self proclaimed tier 1 multi million dollar pumping machine. Says THEM. So stupidity and opinions are heavy up in here.