Boycott 3 Xtal 1 hour Wars

Discussion in 'Wars' started by -IlIlI__DRAGONS_SLAYER__lIlIl-, Nov 29, 2013.

  1. 3 xtals per war makes for a lot more dynamic strategizing, and is a good idea.

    However, if they're going to do this they need to make the xtals cheaper for war.

    All they need is a button in the oracle that accepts 2 war xtals in exchange for 1 xtal or 10 nobs, and the entire issue is solved... But the devs would rather worry about trivial things and new things rather than fixing current problems.
  2. ...... or x3 Mith return for x3 xtal wars would make it more interesting and worthwhile.
  3. Some good ideas here...
    I like it. You have given me a great idea that may solve all of our problems and make all our dreams come true.
  4. Devs have dreams? :shock: I thought all y'all did was work. no time for sleep=no time for dreams
  5. Well...looks throwing ideas its the coolest thing to do lately. I wanna be cool too... she here we go:

    We can rendem 6xtals for 1 aqua... what if you decrease aqua drops just a little and give use the posibility to redeem 6 aqua for 1 crystal that will be available only for chaos wars?
  6. Problem is that people will sign up for wars and stockpile crystals they buy during war and then not war.
  7. i call bs....why even bother doing 3 xtal wars if you weren't planning on doing it. the backlash has you rethinking your strategy for getting $$$ from us. So don't come on here with new age lurking spouting bs you know what happens then ....hatee hatee hate how!
  8. We aren't participating in these wars either.
  9. I also disagree that more xtals makes it more "dynamic".. it will just turn it into a chaotic mess and a strategic guessing game. But I guess that's what devs r looking for =/
  10. I understand your point kaw_admin. But if those crystals can be used only in chaos wars there's no point to be stockpiled by someone who is not planning to war.
  11. @Hell Raiser. This is a business for them. Any business will look for different products to sell. Nobody has to spend anything. And you read what Kaw Admin saif before, right? This will be the last time they do 3 xtals. They're experimenting with things.
  12. It's funny how people think something that they don't pay for is a waste of money.
  13. @kaw_admin

    Not sure what the problem with that is, as long as war xtals are only allowed during war. And if your point is that you only want the xtals to be cheaper for wars with 3 xtals, and not for wars with 1-2 xtals, then why did you promise war xtals for S3 in the first place?