Boycott 2 xtal 1 hr wars

Discussion in 'Wars' started by Talbert, Dec 6, 2013.

  1. Hop on my swag much? This is so last month. Ffs..
  2. 10000000000% support boycott the greed ... cmom devs give more not less stop penny pinching and tryn to shake down your adoring customers .. Stop already
  3. 2xtal 1hour, crazy. Kaw has plenty of money to run kaw for the next 2 years or more. If you actually think kaw is so borderline successful that they need all this money to continue then you are just stupid. I'm pretty sure being a kaw dev is very lucrative. They don't need extra money, they just want it.
  4. My opinion BTW is that I don't really care. I don't war.
  5. Oh for the love of Pete, if you don't like the war format, don't do the war. If enough people DO like the format they will do it and the devs will keep this format in place. If not enough people like the format and don't do the war, this experiment will be short lived.

    But to stomp your feet and suggest a boycott because you (**insert your complaint such as ** -- think it takes no strategy to win, think the ONLY reason it is this way is to line the greedy devs pockets, think this time does not favor MY time zone, think that turning off DTS/DTW allows the GH exploit to rise again like a Phoenix from the ashes, etc., etc., etc.) is simply childish in the extreme.

    You think you stand like the standard bearer on the barracades waving your flag defending the unwashed masses against the greedy assault of the ever-nefarious devs . . . but really you look stoopid.

    If you don't like the war . . . don't do the war. But leave off ranting about it.


  6. Provide 1 war xtal with 1 other xtal in such war.
  7. Wingless tal is correct though, the greed from devs is becoming disgustingly annoying.
  8. Its not greed. It's the same you would do if you were in their position.
  9. I'm sick and tired of people saying that devs need to sell crystals in order to keep KaW running.

    That's crap. ATA sells your info. Not only that, but when you download KaW you give them access to every number in your phone book. You give them access to every number in your call log. They even know when you are on the phone and when you hang up. You give them access to all of this just by downloading their app.
    They then sell all your info, along with the names and numbers of everybody on your phonebook.
    They don't need to sell xtals to keep KaW running. They don't have a large team working on KaW. Less than 10 ppl devs even clarified in forums yesterday their team for KaW is small. So it's not like they have a bunch of employees to pay. They are just getting greedy and milking players for all they can.
    They don't need the money from crystals to keep the business alive. It's just business and business is greed. Take all you can, give nothing back.
  10. Just want to address a couple things in this post.

    1. If people don't sign up for these wars we don't do them again. Simple. Just don't signup. Or signup and give it a try. Maybe you'll like it. Maybe not.

    2. We don't sell your information as someone implied, not only because it is unethical to do so, but because there isn't anyone to sell it to! What are you even talking about?!

    3. We make money from selling health crystals. Notice there are NO ADS in our game. Try some other games and get back me on that one.

    4. Someone claimed the only thing we have been experimenting with is the number of crystals. That is simply not true.

    Finally, you can make these grand boycott gestures, but just come down to the forums once in a while and chat with me. I'm here almost everyday. We listen to your feedback and there is no need to take a big stand for every single thing that happens. We're listening already. After this weekend I was planning to post saying here are all the format we've tried in Chaos wars, which ones do you like? Then we can find out what everyone likes.

  11. Kaw_admin .. Take this ..any "promo" u offer that costs more and gives less ..were not into .. Try it the other way around .. Give us more for our money and maybe we give u more money b/c we "want" to ..not b/c your holding us hostage .. I really only play b/c I love the excitement of ee wars .. Price me out .. Ok but you will only receive less money if any going fwd .. STOP ACTING LIKE U ACTUALY HAVE TO MAKE/HARVEST/MINE THE MITH YOURSELVES .. The durations and xtal costs were the least needed parts of ee to b addressed .. I get u make money from xtal sales .. I've spent a few k already with you ..

    Side note: tvp has run it's course and tips outdated .. PLZ either eliminate it altogether or open it for entire clan to hit and plunder :eek:nly those with he "curse" will receive mith compinsation : forcing clans to xtal to get a measly 11-14 mith just adds insult to injury and adds credence to my statements above .. The "loser eb " needs to b fixed or eliminated .. Here's an idea I can see u easily gravitating to .. Do away with tvp in its current form .. Refund ee warriors 11-14 mith based on damage done during war none for inactive ..what happens after wars end is people get kicked for inactivity and people go to sleep and don't hit the eb forcing others to xtal more just to get back what was lost .. So my idea is keep tvp but PURELY AS A PAY TO PLAY EB LIKE HTE.. Say 5 sod's for clan to activate as a whole allowing members to win small a mounts of mith at a cost your most important focus clearly ...losing sux but it's part of war being forced to pay again b/c u lost is just extra lame ..
  12. Oh ya forgot .. U charge extra xtals for same war duration ...but did not increase the mith payout .. Just another sad example of you giving us less but taking more ..Try "killing us with kindness " for a change .. Sometimes I feel like I'm paying to b punished .. And not in the good way 
  13. Kadmin plz listen. 'WAR CRYSTALS'

    Plz try to implement war crystals into game.
  14. Kush the only thing in that ramble that is relevant is more mith payout for more crystals. Which is part of the pvp change that we are working on.
  15. Poor reading comprehension ?? That explains so much Kaw_admin .. Thanx for reply tho cheers .. 
  16.  ramble
  17. Kaw admin
    My favourite are 10 man 1 hour 1 xtal wars as they don't require much setup and it's an easy war type to command, more of these would be great! Also I get to sleep earlier which Is always good 
  18. Im will only do 1hr 1xtal wars anyway
  19. Wait why are you only pissing about xtals now?

    EE has been around for almost a year...

    The Devs are agents of Chaos. If they say that like a LB player will get stripped. Or a clan full of kingdoms will be farmed to reset. Nobody panics. Because it's all according to plan. But when they say that one, little one hour war permits 2 xtals... Then everyone loses their minds!!!