Re: - Bounty Hunter - v2.0 (Reworked) 100% Support. If the devs implemented this it would be amazing!
Re: - Bounty Hunter - v2.0 (Reworked) Maybe once ever 24 hours or so for a certain amount of moth you can hide yourself from bounty hunters. There could be a four hour a twelve hour a 24 hour and a 48 hour one you can choose from
Re: - Bounty Hunter - v2.0 (Reworked) You could say instead of assassin creed style something like 'eb style'(more people will understand) because it is once you join in you're active for it. Somewhat similar
Re: - Bounty Hunter - v2.0 (Reworked) No silver ... Nobody liked to opt out spell in EE wars either, opt in spell for this would work great though
Re: - Bounty Hunter - v2.0 (Reworked) Xtals should be limited when the opt in spell is casted for this
Re: - Bounty Hunter - v2.0 (Reworked) Game mode idea?? Idk How many halo 4 players on here we Have but I think a game mode like regicide would work really well! Say you get matched up with 6-10 other people for 2-3 hour or untill a certain score is reached Then when you attack the other players (war roster or something will be provided) you gain your plunder- whoever has the highest plunder is king of the match! And when he gets attacked or koed the Player that ko'ed him gets a bigger bonus.
Re: - Bounty Hunter - v2.0 (Reworked) Support! I like this idea... My 2 cents is like someone said a few pages ago about "prestige" well make it a system where you sign up for a "Bounty Hunter List" each player has a "Mith Value" instead of "Prestige" and every time you complete a "Bounty Hunter Challenge" your vale goes up, if you beat a player you get their "Mith Value" in mith and theirs goes down if they lose but goes up if they win. Now this sign up system would be like a big pool of players who signed up, you can decide who your target is, and your added into the pool when you sign up. Each players "Mith Value" is listed next to their name in the pool. Also I think it'd be cool for when you sign up you have an "aura" like when you cast mith but instead of blue make it red.
Re: - Bounty Hunter - v2.0 (Reworked) In reference to the group aspect. I think groups should be chosen, not random. This would support clans to get together and form these bounty groups with fellow clan members. Think of it like grabbing 3-5 fellow clan members near the same strength and forming a bounty group! I do think it should be an opt in system. I think to "block" another bounty hunter... maybe a "revenge" system. If another group completes a challenge on you or your group, you have the option to try to complete the same challenge, and you get a "revenge" reward (Could be extra mith or something,not sure on this part) if you complete the same challenge faster. Thoughts?
Re: - Bounty Hunter - v2.0 (Reworked) Support. You said something about people signing up being the only potential targets. Maybe anyone can be targeted by the random target generator and if the person doesn't want to be targeted they 'forfeit' and pay some of their own mith. Just an idea. (Sorry if I read wrong)
Re: - Bounty Hunter - v2.0 (Reworked) Support I helped Val with my main becuase I said that it would start osw but not enough to mention me lol