- Bounty Hunter - v2.0 [Reworked] (1v1 EE Wars)

Discussion in 'Ideas + Feature Requests' started by W32SQLE_Anarchy, Mar 10, 2013.

  1. Support, good idea here!
  2. I made a thread similar to this once it didn't work :( hopefully this one does :)
  3. So... Support :D
  4. I flippin' love this idea. If Implemented, I think it would add years to my interest in the app. Email ATA support to draw attention to this thread.

    Imagine the possibilities for clans in regard to this system! 
  5. Support, let the pvp begin :)
  6. Support!! Being an EB player, ive always wanted to try war lut but never got the chance. This would be an awesome way to learn, and fun! :D
  7. You've got the greatest name on KaW
  8. Support! This is a great idea reinstating pvp into the game! I'm emailing a link of this thread to devs and I highly encourage others to do the same!
  9. BCHSboo said he's ready for a PVP.
    Lets find out
  10. It's not like I didnt make a similar thread a few months back, finally read the OP. :|
  11. Full support!! 