- Bounty Hunter - v2.0 [Reworked] (1v1 EE Wars)

Discussion in 'Ideas + Feature Requests' started by W32SQLE_Anarchy, Mar 10, 2013.

  1. @Empire.

    It isn't my job to sort out every single flaw in this idea. It's an idea... I'm sure if developers were to accommodate this they would patch over any exploits...

    I'll try and incorporate some of te things you said when I get time, thanks for the feedback mate.

  2. Yo anarchy add me to that supporters list
  3. Let the fcking thread die alrdy.
  4. Why this thread presents great points to the community and should be read...it gives great insight and gives people a say in what the next changes should consist of.
  5. Theres a much better one already made.
  6. Is it on thisbsame topic
    And in my mind this thread is constructed quite nicely and clearly took time and effort to complete
  7. Would it be possible to refresh your Target?
  8. What do you mean by this swan
  9. AMAZING!! Really brings back idea of PvP, and ideas are wonderful. TOTAL SUPPORT 
  10. Nathaniel ur a statless alt. Nobody gives a flying **** what u think.
  11. Actually this is my main BRO and even if nobody cares wat I think I'm still allowed to post my opinions freely
  12. 100% support .!! Good job (Y)
  13. Keep this on active topics :)
  14. Amen to that! SUPPORT!
  15. Support here too :)
  16. Support! I love this idea! 

    The only suggestion I would have to add to this would be adding a time zone option. ( only you would be able to see ) Opting in or out of specific time periods and matching with others opting per times. The more TZ you opt in the more likely you get matches, or more likely to be hunted. You would also know the person you are hitting is *live action* as they opted that TZ. This can make it more fair for different countries and TZ, as they have control over when their bounty starts. - Just a suggestion 