- Bounty Hunter - v2.0 [Reworked] (1v1 EE Wars)

Discussion in 'Ideas + Feature Requests' started by W32SQLE_Anarchy, Mar 10, 2013.

  1. Re: - Bounty Hunter - v2.0 (Reworked)

    89 Supporters on this thread so far!

    Tell your friends! Tell your parents! Tell your dog and even tell your rock about this thread! Let's get some support people!

  2. Re: - Bounty Hunter - v2.0 (Reworked)

    If you would be so kind as to address my queries? :D
  3. Re: - Bounty Hunter - v2.0 (Reworked)

    Please people, let up on the "tell me what you think".
    I'm doing everything I can to let people know, I'm adding a good ideas list now... I just don't have the time to reply to everyone, this thread has just generated massive feedback, not necessarily on the thread in PM, ect.

    Just know this, I'm doing everything I can to respond to you and get this idea looked at by the devs... If your idea is good it will be listed.

  4. Re: - Bounty Hunter - v2.0 (Reworked)

    Two issues.
    If this is linked up on battle list then you will inevitably end up with a lot of eb players being the targets. Eb players that choose to leave gold out and grow not banking safely thus meaning a large portion of players will lose a substantial amount of gold. You also force everyone to bank their gold losing 25% of earnings because they run the risk of being a target. That IMO will cause immense frustration to a lot of players particularly those growing accounts.
    I'm all for pvp but obviously eb players wouldn't like this at all and potentially losing players isn't good.
    Yes I would imagine a lot of eb players that just got labelled as targets with rewards ( mith equipment drops )for hitting them would quit. We already see enough crying on forums about players being hit.
    Yes battle list if used carries the same risk but putting a minimum limit of hits just basically means turning bounty hunter into farm potential sleeping victims. Or players that wouldn't fight back. Poss solution to that:-
    It would need a all target participants to sign up so you are against players active willing for a fight that would also make it a lot more fun against those willing to fight back and thus a worth while system.

    Achievements for x amount of hits on players through battle list ( example 5 hits per player then move on ) would be easier to implement and prevent some exploits.
    Sign ups would mean the potential for players to sign up with multiple alts they could potentially get. Co-ordinate that through clan at set times and oaf or osf fill most of sign up and bobs your uncle.
    As for team version you just re-create the entire miss match scenario all over again.
    Nice idea don't get me wrong but needs some work.
  5. Re: - Bounty Hunter - v2.0 (Reworked)

  6. Re: - Bounty Hunter - v2.0 (Reworked)

    @Dark. That's why there is the idea of only people signing up could be chosen and if you have signed up you cant hit Eb till after the bounty hunt
  7. Re: - Bounty Hunter - v2.0 (Reworked)

  8. Re: - Bounty Hunter - v2.0 (Reworked)


    And what happens if someone 'revenges' you, can you 'revenge' them back? And what if a guy looks up a guy, walls him that he's his target, they both agree, drop pots, and farm each other?
  9. Re: - Bounty Hunter - v2.0 (Reworked)


    It says, it's all done via a random search you can't pick your bounty.

    As for revenge, I don't think it's a necessary system, if they want to hit back they can anyway.

    If it were to be implemented, only allow a revenge once, from the defender per bounty.
  10. Re: - Bounty Hunter - v2.0 (Reworked)

    @Pg 25 post.

    There were two ideas, it was a brainstorm - the OP. The alternative to the first thing you suggested, was indeed there.

    As for the team situation, I don't think that will recreate a whole 'mismatch' situation... It isn't that hard to match 2-6 players according to stats.

    Thanks for the feedback though, it is taken into consideration.
  11. Re: - Bounty Hunter - v2.0 (Reworked)

    *Note to self

    Support count was taken up to page 25, my post. Other posts were not taken down.

    (Will edit this into supporters post tomorrow.)
  12. Re: - Bounty Hunter - v2.0 (Reworked)

    If the Estoc edge thing is implemented it must be renewable weekly then.
  13. Re: - Bounty Hunter - v2.0 (Reworked)

    i love support this idea however i must say i worry the devs might do some mismatches
    in stat comoarisions for a bounty target eg too big for target hit back and or to big a target for you hit not and or including equip of both players and lvl
  14. Re: - Bounty Hunter - v2.0 (Reworked)

    Manduu, there are lots of people who would be around your size. The only person who would have to worry is Redstar...
  15. Re: - Bounty Hunter - v2.0 (Reworked)

    @orb true so true! but some ppl seen on battle list ful equip max enchanted cant hit full pots here due my lack equip and lvl of it both spy actions and army
  16. Re: - Bounty Hunter - v2.0 (Reworked)

    @orb true so true! lol but some ppl seen on battle list ful equip max enchanted cant hit full pots here due my lack equip and lvl of it both spy actions and army

    akso my main worry is way devs did match ups for ee depnding if this bounty sign up for only i can foresee match making oroblems already
  17. Re: - Bounty Hunter - v2.0 (Reworked)

    Love the idea, looks great so far! One thing I will note, is many players like EE for the teamwork and cooperation aspect. True, there are always going to be improvements and such, but its still working for many people, and quite a few like it. The bonuses are also being very well received.

    I dont think its a great idea to take EE away in place of this, but rather incorporate this as an alternative for those who dont have clans that want to war, or for people who simply cannot commit to 6 hours on a weekend/weekday.

    I love the idea of a teamwork situation too, possibly working together to hit a stronger target (if that hasnt been said already).
  18. Re: - Bounty Hunter - v2.0 (Reworked)

    @orb true so true! lol but some ppl seen on battle list ful equip max enchanted cant hit full pots here due my lack equip and lvl of it both spy actions and army

    akso my main worry is way devs did match ups for ee depnding if this bounty sign up for only i can foresee match making problems already
  19. Re: - Bounty Hunter - v2.0 (Reworked)

    fair point mango i dont see y both ideas cant work side by side as well
  20. Re: - Bounty Hunter - v2.0 (Reworked)

    Keep posting ideas guys. :)