Bonuses for Game Completions Revisted!

Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by Chaos, Mar 4, 2015.

  1. Couldn't agree with this more. Flawless logic. Thanks for the input Kezzer!
  2. Define the word "revisted."
  3. No

    Edit: the majority of people worked very hard for their equipment and the con's outweigh the pros of their reimplementation but maybe that's just my opinion. That being said, if for some reason the devs do bring them back resetting to acquire them is no longer a viable option. Taking them away would upset too many players and there isn't really an equal to the loss of resetting besides resetting. The only real option here is to water down the value of the equipment by reintroducing more which is already happening anyway so quit whining about your lack of foresight and just deal with it until the problem solves itself.
  4. Why should they be released to the whole community?

    I understand you're saying it gives a larger benefit now than when they were first released but they still 'earnt' them. Whether it took them a few days or a few weeks they still took the time to reset and start again. Should we also release top 10 equip from old events for a premium price? I'm sure that equip has been used enough by those who earnt them. Why not give new players a chance to buy that equip?

    HL cuts were a different story. HL are still open to every single player. As it turns out the reset bonuses were a limited time thing. HL were cut to allow smaller players to catch up a little quicker. I imagine HF will follow eventually. HL wasn't an event. It wasn't an if you were lucky enough to be on KaW at that time, you got high lands.

    It is limited time equip. Good for you if you've got it. Bad luck if you don't. It's like event equip. You shouldn't start handing out previous event equip just because some people get to be stronger with it and the rest of us don't. Similarly you shouldn't remove it from the players who worked to get it. On your logic every single equip from previous events ought to be made available. It's more than benefited those who got it, right? It's a past event in which those who participated reaped the rewards. Yes it's made a bigger difference than anticipated. But perhaps devs should have factored that in before hand. Then again hind sight is a wonderful thing.

    Maybe instead propose new rewards for land completions? Or certain battle wins? That's all I can think of :lol: But you get the idea.

    Just an after thought: maybe a better idea would be for devs to adjudt the % bonus so they were more in line with KaW today?