Bonuses for Game Completions Revisted!

Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by Chaos, Mar 4, 2015.

  1. I understand that my bonuses are smaller than yours from the % bonuses, but I had worked just as hard to obtain them. I just slacked off once I got them. But I agree, 1tril per reset would be a major slap in the face.
  2. How many players are still around playing aggressively from that long ago? Less than 1,000 less than 500?

    We started the damn game! Players that told friends and rated the app and put money in to get it off the ground.

    Believe me it's hard to keep interest in a tap tap game for that long and a huge majority of players active that have those bonuses also warred all the time. They were the backbone that held this game up.

    If I invest in a start up and get a high percentage share of profit split because I bought class A stock that doesn't mean that people buying now get that same percentage share.

    Our parents and grandparents that bought homes before I think 1975 have their property taxes fixed at an incredibly low amount. Is this fair to the new home buyer?

    What is wrong with kids today? Fair is where you go to eat fried Oreos! Stop trying to make the world fair you're going to end up miserable ' )
  3. I can see you have a four year badge. It's nice knowing all future players can continue persevering kaw to earn it. Granted a maxed five year badge gives 20%. Now what's so different? It's a community reward.

    Game completion from then versus now is completely different. It was always meant to be an end game bonus. "Bonus for Game completion" sums it up. It's much harder now then before, your lucky. However, reset aspect wasn't easy either. Still end of the day this bonus was meant as an account milestone attainable through any and all members of this community - at any point in time, for those seeking to be build complete. It's reason to be removed was listed by devs in OP. This was free content for the community, not a war trinket.
  4. My whole point would be that the devs have changed building tier prices in the past and only refunded those who had only bought the upgrades in a period of time. The rest of the community who had them were told that they had received the full benefit of the upgrades therefore wouldn't be getting a refund. Well I am proposing a refund for your hard work back then as opposed to stripping you of it completely.

    My reason for suggesting 1T was not to match the stats in terms of allies in todays ally markets, it was just to reward you for the effort you put in at the time they were available. 1T back then was a lot. Just think that the lowlands costs roughly 12b for the lands. On top of that you have to buy allies and builds but only a few billion again. Lets say that cost you 20b per reset. That's 80b over the 4. On top of that you lost progress and potential gold due to being bigger hence why I suggested 1T over a lower value.

    Also regarding my blue writing; how on earth do you get that I am trying to be mistaken for a moderator with blue writing. I like blue hence why I use blue to make my posts different.
  5. Bumping thread for visibility. 

  6. Count on Chaos to bump a dead thread that beats a dead horse.
  7. Support. And drop some psion again so people can upgrade psion equipment. And create some rare quest, or rare pvp, or special war, or event that drops 'something' that lets you arbitrarily upgrade a piece of equipment past maximum.
  8. Support but should have to reset like before.
  9. I remember xyz resetting  god that was so long ago. Thanks for the memories.
  10. With the feature of resetting now disabled, what would be an alternative and fair method to acquire these massive bonuses? They were always intended to be acquired in the lifespan of an account, hence why they were named "Game Completion Bonuses". Similarly to the veteran achievement, whereas a new version can now be acquired by an account reaching its sixth year of age.

  11. A good suggestion. :)
  12. Is it viable to hold back free content, when it makes such a POWERFUL difference now with the new Air Lands + Tier 8?

    "attainable another way with comparative
    difficulty as resetting"

    1 Completion - Bracers (+3% attack/defense)
    2 Completions - Mystical Bracelet (+3% spy attack/spy defense)
    3 Completions - Elite Crossbow (+5% to attack/spy attack)
    4 Completions - Royal Armor (+5% to defense/spy defense)

  13. Honestly I agree that these bonuses are now too OP to be restricted to a small set of players. The issue is that when these bonuses were released they weren't too much of a boost but were enough to give you a slight edge. Now these bonuses give you a huge difference. The issue is it's going to be hard to remove them without annoying those who reset originally to get these items but at the same time they won't allow others to achieve these items. Another issue is that with how far kaw has advanced into builds it's no longer feasible for these items to be classed as "reset bonuses".

    There are 2 ways forward:

    • Remove them in the same with the same attitude as when building prices were slashed for the highlands a while back which was along the lines of "you received the benefit for a long enough period for us to not give you compensation"
    • Add them to the game in a way that is attainable by all players by means that don't require resetting.

    Honestly adding them is probably more favorable as those who worked for them originally don't lose out however at the same time a lot of them will be annoyed that others can attain these items that they have. I think adding them as additional premium items works best however for each item you gain you must give up 5000 battle wins. Doing resets before they were removed took around a couple days each if you were experienced and had friends who would volley you up and honestly you wouldn't gain 5000 battle wins in that time so this seems like a fair amount as resetting battle wins completely will also discourage long term players from attaining these items.
  14. Agreed with Kezzer, these bonuses are very strong aligned to modern stats. They were never war trinkets, but open community rewards that could be earned by anyone. Previous % equipment/bonus were and still can be acquired through ebs or in-app purchases. We should have a new method of acquiring these old bonuses as we were previously told.

    These are currently some of the most powerful banners to date, and yet they don't ever break half the strength of these classic bonuses.

  15. Just let it die. There are fewer and fewer active accounts left with the reset items everyday. You had your chance when the Devs first announced the stoppage of item issuance.

    I didn't reset back then either, so it's my loss.

    Let the issue die in peace and learn to live without.
  16. I myself am not active in the war community much anymore but honestly anyone who plays as tank is gaining a huge advantage from these because they will remain near full all war so will gain the most benefit from these and their towers bonus remains constant. In OSW the same is true and the bonuses are huge now. They need to be available for all or none really.
  17. The reset bonuses were hard to get - hard to achieve took time real time to achieve

    As proved by the OP anyone can bc in hours - not the same degree as resetting account and starting over and over again

    Leave these reset items alone they are sacred and part of kaw history

    Campaign for an achievement for land completions and far more will support including myself
  18. Vixen I actually had an alt with reset items which was lost when mochi accounts were cleared. I personally think reset items are now too powerful to be exclusive especially when it's a total of 8% per stat. It's also untrue to say they were hard to get. Why do you think they were removed? I managed to get all of my reset bonuses on my old account in less than 2 weeks.

    The only people who are defending the reset items claiming they are hard to get seems to be the players who have them. I know from experience they started off hard to get but by the end you could do your reset in less than a day if you knew what to do. So basically all these hardcore players are arguing that 8% bonus to all stats is a bonus that people should earn in 4 days or less? I am aware not all players got it this way but as with the building price cuts in the highlands the benefits of these items have been more than used enough to warrant either releasing them to the whole community or just removing them altogether. I am actually pushing more towards the removal myself but I am open to either removing or making available to all (for a realistic cost)