Bonuses for Game Completions Revisted!

Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by Chaos, Mar 4, 2015.

  1. Now with stats and the advantages needed to edge out your opponents I wish I had reset when I first started for those bonuses. If they brought those items back I wonder how they would make it possible to get those as it is so difficult to get good equips these days without spending your entire paycheck on events. I'll be watching this thread to see how this plays out and what ideas being thrown out by the community seem reasonable. Hopefully everyone tries to be constructive and the devs take note.
  2. No support. Why give a reward to something only ten percent of the accounts can achieve in the next two years.
  3. Stop bumping your old dead threads, Chaos.

    Like I said before, some had the balls to reset, some didn't. The ones who did took a huge LB ranking hit to do so. Not our fault if you didn't have them.

    Any scenario where these bonus are brought back would have to result in a reset of their battle actions and spy actions. That would only be fair.
  4. Chaos, much respect to a hard working kawer even if you were a zaftie :p
    But, I digest. Do you really want to go down this road of taking bonuses away from legitimate reset bonus holders? Do you want to take away my orb of kheldaran next?
  5. Yes infact I think that's a good idea actually :lol: to hell with the lot of them we all know kaw is on it's last legs why not just have unlimited gold and just call it a day go out in a bang
  6. At least let us keep our dwarven helmets.
  7. Wish i did resets but got too big before i knew of them.
    Alts benefitted though.
    Its in the past n belongs there.
  8. Hey thanks for reminding us how much larger the gap really is
  9. I disagree about 'Gap Talk'

    Its called TIME n sooner one starts the better.
    Money closes the GAP. Do it or don't.

    Short n simple
  10. Has nothing to do w time lol
  11. I'm glad you feel the same Kezzer! Originally, when I made this thread three months ago, the bonuses were a clear and noticeable advantage for those who already possessed them. Now at the present day with the new tiers of abyss, it's just overkill. Only the devs can decide what's fair a fair method to obtain them, but I feel the community should have a chance as a whole. It's only fair after all, these were game completion bonuses meant to be available forever for the entire community to persevere to.

    I admire your honesty Aj, thanks! :eek: :)

    You and me are on the same boat mate. Given the similarity with all equipment stats to date, what differentiates new players from old are achievements, perm bonuses and of course sheer size. These perm bonuses offer too much, but luckily they were meant to be available to the entire community. Hopefully in the near future, they can be unveiled once again. HTE has made it, so that anyone can climb the ranks quickly with sheer activity and minimal spending.

    This is serious business Frog! :lol: :!:

    I support your proposal. It would be nice for top LB to lose there battle wins in order to give others a shot. Those with over a million would surely push the button, if these bonuses were available!

    I agree with money closing the gap. In a matter of months, you can HF complete now when it would take much longer prior. It's all a matter of spending at the right time. Crux for example are a crazy boost. 300% does wonders when you throw 24 xtals.

    Time is relative though. Sheer activity does close it too, but at a much longer pace.
    Still achievable, but need to play strong. Hence why i wish there was more free goodies for the community tbh.
  12. Lol this is why it will NOT be put in place lb will not reset for bonus, therefore the reset bonus will never be again. Wouldn't surprise me if giving the LL free was just thinking ahead to try and stop the reset bonus even more. It's ridiculously unfair to remove such huge advantages from others while others still have them.
  13. Just like Summer Wars EQ...
    Aw geez wish the past was the present.
    Only advantage is in using them.
    EB's r nothing special nor difficult unless clans play over their heads.
    EQ is not the answer unless warring.
  14. As Frog suggested, resetting battle wins is something interesting to consider.

    The intent of these bonuses was to be something fun to chase, hence why they wanted them to be earnable through different means in the future, comparable in difficulty as resetting. What that is now is solely something for the devs to decide. The option for these to be available again should be present today, as it was in the past.

    Those who have possessed these rare game completion items have long reaped the benefits in the last 3 years. These items were not meant to be a trophy for winning a war or what not, but to be a milestone of self perseverance upon your account - hence why they remain hidden from public eye. Each and every member of the community has long passed that threshold of LL or HL etc.

    Three years later, what the bar is now is totally upon speculation.
  15. chaos, is this really even remotely relevant to the entirety of all the problems this game faces?
    was it even mentioned on the ignored, but well intentioned, list from TG? focus man, focus
  16. That's a joke, right? You can't be so much of an idiot to think I'd be satisfied with 1T per reset.

    Dude, at full strength at my size the resets give me 265.7M extra power. Even if I half that because they are %stats and not static, the 132.85 M cs at today's market prices would cost me 9T. And that still doesn't account for the battle/spy actions I lost for resetting, nor the gold used to upgrade then reset. To make up for that I would need at least a 10T package.
    And who cares about the smaller builds? They have hardly anything to lose compared to the bigs.

    And get rid of the fruity blue writing already. No one is gonna mistake a noob like you for a mod.
  17. Clearly, it is not. There is a plethora of other things which take much more priority. Still, there is still multiple dev teams which work on Kaw. One being content, while the other being bugs and what not.

    Not to go off topic, but from my standpoint, the biggest thing kaw needs right now is having other avenues of earning luxury goods for free. Whether it's Seals, Nobility, Xtals and crux etc. The community is tired of these EB events, but fact of the matter is - the event page is the only thing which gives us free stuff. For other avenues of goods, it doesn't have to be a significant quantity, but there just needs to be areas where we can earn free things. Whether its through login rewards etc. Kaw is a F2P game, it should serve first and foremost as one. Just my opinion tho.
  18. Support it make little guys work harder on our build and I be damn if I reset
  19. Not to mention extra ally slots!
  20. The simple truth is that the "of comparable difficulty" condition is absolutely meaningless.

    Some players worked incredibly hard to get those bonuses. Others years later basically got them for free.

    Devs should have nixed reset bonuses about 18 months they did. There is nothing of comparable difficulty since that criterion ranges from months of work for a single reset to a reset every day.

    That being said, I'd have no objection levelling the playing field, especially since Very few of those who worked very for those bonuses are still playing.
