Bonuses for Game Completions Revisted!

Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by Chaos, Mar 4, 2015.

  1. Because reset items arent the same as items originally designed to be dropped from time limited ebs.

    To be honest I totally agree you shouldnt give these bonuses away easily. Of course not, it cheapens them.

    Just thought it funny that someone thought I was ENVIOUS of a % buff.
  2. By 'thoughtless' opinions you really mean 'different to yours' dont you?
  3. Why do you guys want them so bad anyway ? Who has them that's handed you you're ass?

    Care to give any names, chaos.. TR1. Whoever else wants these reset items so bad lol
  4. @ op,

    I don't believe that these bonuses should be re-introduced because the players who took advantage of resetting earned them. but I do believe they create a gap between players do to the release of abyssal lands. An easy way to amend this fix is to take away the percent bonus stat given and make the stats static. I would go as far to say that they should make the stats similar to that of the 2012 all star equipment since such a select few achieved this.
  5. Yes, I think that kaw should bring back the reset bonuses and its permanent equipment. But of course they should make you land complete in order to get the bonuses.

    Back in the day it was always easy to land complete reset in less than a day. But they always made you wait 24 hours until you could reset again. You just needed to know how to do it.
    I reset lots of times. But not for the equipment; for the free crystals and nobs. Over 3400 crystals and 6800 nobs. But they don't reset the quests any longer, so no more free crystals.

    With today's easy gold, you can get a new device; HoarFrost land complete in 6 months; HF build complete in 12 additional months; no crystals; no nobs; no items required; just build smartly and hit the EB's for 18 hours per day. I have done it. So can you.

    So bring them land complete reset bonuses back and start over, if that equipment means so much to you.
  6. The problem I had with s3 was the insane about of no-matches, especially in Asian war time zones. I got no match over half the time, making getting the equip almost impossible. Remember there were no indie wars then. Also s3 equip is insane expensive 1000 mith for the best equip. No one is gonna get that easily, let alone upgrade it.
  7. Might as well throw in my 2 cents:

    Just face the Facts of KaW for what this game really is, a catering service. It is catering to the lined pockets of those that can afford to even have hope of LCBC now. The common player, like F2P, delete your acct and app now, cause it won't happen.
    The more balance the Devs think they are bringing to the game only widens the gap.

    You reset how many times? Whoop Dee Doo Bazzle, what does it all mean?!
    You have entirely too much free time to tap EBs or PW back then.

    Congrats on your wonderful equip and your bonuses, does it really matter? Nope.

    Only if Obama were to take over KaW would every player start getting free handouts, paid for by the LB ofcourse.

    Whatever, KaW slowly turning in to that 3rd Party app you only check pm and cc and troll forums...

    You're right, I should reset, quit, or stop being a noob. Troll away cause cyber stuff hurts my feelings and I throw my phone cause I'm angry at my parents.

    Where's my Latte?!

  8. You my friend are the most dedicated player I have ever came across in my time of kaw. I'm extremely impressed at your tenacity. My alts made most 120 xtals and that was a span of a year just messing around.

    Such an exorbitant amnount must of lasted your main awhile!
  9. 18 Land complete resets here. The resurrection Badge is Awesome. My original 3G iPhone broke and sat dead for almost 2 years. This account has (52.5% spy Attack bonus) wall me if anyone has higher.
  10. Dont know what day you are talking about, but it took me a month each to get my reset equips. Maybe 1 or 2 years ago it was easy but you could never do it in 1 day
  11. I just wanted the cool lookin achievement...
  12. If you really want to improve kaw then reset kaw back to before hte.
  13. support
  14. Hhmmm 2009 overall was Gor-illa I believe
  15. I believe that devs replaced the reset bonuses with achievement bonuses that have similar perm %, like say the 2%def for 80k scout and all the others. Also resetting for me took b2b squid and troll battles for months and no growth or allies. While everyone else was growing and getting bigger I was investing my months of kaw into my future build and strength. I wasn't lucky enough to run item stage on no quarter and reset once a day. So if u propose something to where u don't grow, can't buy more than max plunder in allies, and u hit squids and trolls for 2 months then I am all for the reward of sacrifice. Actually if it's gonna help my build let me know how I'll be able to achieve more %. I'm scraping for every point ️
  16. Is it viable to hold back free content, when it makes such a POWERFUL difference now?
    "attainable another way with comparative difficulty as resetting"

    1 Completion - Bracers (+3% attack/defense)
    2 Completions - Mystical Bracelet (+3% spy attack/spy defense)
    3 Completions - Elite Crossbow (+5% to attack/spy attack)
    4 Completions - Royal Armor (+5% to defense/spy defense)

  17. The % bonuses are now too powerful with the amount of stats around. Sadly I feel like anyone with the % bonuses should have them removed even though they worked for them. This will annoy a lot of people however they should be rewarded 1T per each reset achievement they did (up to 4) this may not seem like a lot for big people (level 4/5 abyss) but it will most definitely make a huge difference for people who are smaller. This bonus needs to be available to all or none at all. It's too powerful now so realistically should be removed.

    Perhaps make these % boosts war rewards (way to improve war attendance) and make them a long term goal (1000 mith perhaps?) I would prefer to see these % bonuses removed from the game completely really however some people will complain a lot about this so making them achievable for all players would even the score a little.
  18. Not going to happen buddy about time people stopped asking for things Devs couldn't care less,just like Titan found out no matter what we ask for they will just roll out another damn event.
  19. I feel impartial to not giving those out only because I have them and would only like to see others reset to get them....

    But I do support an effort into getting something equally challenging.
  20. Just like when there was no limit to mith purchase and countless other things that have since gone. But tbh who really cares ? Kaw is almost done so come sit next to me and watch the rot. We can roast marshmallows on the embers of kaw as it burns to the ground come my friends and giggle with me