Bonuses for Game Completions Revisted!

Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by Chaos, Mar 4, 2015.

  1. Unless the players who already have it get something else, I do not agree with this. Many players earned this gear, just like Foxes and iG earned 120 member slots. These items were meant to be given out to players who worked hard for it, and Id rather not feel like my work was for nothing.

  2. What about the s3 ee gear that many worked hard for but is now available for purchase via in game currency? Or top 10 gear being given out to those who didnt make top 10?
  3. I agree Saber! Those that have the reset bonus and seasonal war equipment worked for it! Why should others be "given" or allowed to buy that which they did not earn. I agree the equipment rocks, but i would prefer to earn my rewards rather than have them handed to me easily.
  4. Completely disagree with its reimplimentation. I myself only have the one and deeply regret it, yes, however thats a consequence of my actions and as such I live with it. The issue with these bonuses being reintroduced, is that the bonuses from these are just so massive. That means, if they were to be made reavailable, thats a huge bonus for someone who is already likely going to be very large.

    These items all took a lot of hard work, dedication, and future planning to get. Reimplementing them now takes a huge chunk out of that accomplishment, which isnt fair at all to anyone who has even a single reset item.

    In many ways these items are a reward in themselves for having played as long as many of these players have. Bringing them back is the same as throwing a very large drink in their face, in essence.

    No support.
  5. Mango,In the op chaos is indirectly quoting ka as they said it was not as difficult to achieve. So many already got them easier. And u completely ignore my point about 'exclusive' s3 ee gear which would never be available again that is now up for sale via in game currency. S3 warriors didn't work hard for their stuff??? Hell ka even said that these could be released again unlike the s3 stuff which has been but we were told wouldn't be.
  6. To be fair Vamp the season 3 equip is heavily priced not just anyone can go buy them - would need to EE a lot to get enough mith to even purchase one item thats before needing mith to enchant it. And its hardly comparible to people resetting their accounts before the days of HTE and plunder bonuses

    while i admire previous rewards been given out, personally onwards and forwards with rewards and new adventures and achievements

    We have achievements related to purchasing lands - a balance needs to be kept as already stated... why make the strong stronger? completion itself and the satisfaction should be enough. The divide in KaW is so apparent as it is why add to it
  7. They weren't easy lol. They only became easy 2 months before they got abolished pretty much. And at that point nobody wanted to reset and lose their stats. Too bad.

    And the s3 equip, it's like 1k mith for 1 equip. No thanks, I'll stick with eb equip till next season lol
  8. Never said it should be cheap or easy to obtain, just that it should be available again to those who may have missed out. I wasn't even around to obtain these massive boost that ka clearly thought were to easy to get at time of removal which was well before hte.
  9. Vamp, I agree with your point about the S3 gear completely. I do not agree either that is should be open to the public, at least not the pieces that were earned. The rest of the set should be able to be bought, but that's like me wanting to buy the Summer Tournament Wars equipment because I didnt participate in those. I just dont think it's fair letting others acquire what many players worked hard to get.
  10. Reset equipment should be available for purchase, either with nobility points or mithril, similarly to EE equipment.

  11. So you're basically asking for percentage based ee equip?
  12. Bonuses for Game Completion were never intended to be a one time deal, it was clearly stated in the original posts by Kaw Admin. Three years ago, stats paled in comparison to now.

    New Banners alone give 7% bonus max, while these do 26%. The numbers alone are overwhelming pared with current stats.

    Those of you did earn them fairly back while they were available. Alas, they were a community offered reward. It was meant for everyone and that's the reason why they will come back "in the future" as Kaw Admin said. Selfishness again is not cool, again it's the same as those who are mad about buildings price cut. Don't like giving the community an advantage.
  13. I find this discussion very interesting... The one question that I keep coming back to is this, What makes this different then a promo or event? I have missed out on many promos and events in the last few months but I am not demanding the devs bring them back because I did not have the foresight to put in the time to get the rewards. The limited time to achieve these reset bonuses is what makes them special.
  14. Hte was not supposed to be permanent too but guess what you have your hte don't you. Also how about the action achievement be your compensation you got the 300k achievement already and you will get 500k soon. You know what I probably will never get to 300k actions before I quit!
  15. Reset equip was EARNED. And should not be purchased in marketplace no matter what is used aqua,inferno, mith. I agree with vamp that allowing others to purchase S3 rewards was a slap in the face no matter what the price is now. And to OP, reset equip was not and is not a community reward. It was and individual reward for those willing to give up gold, time and even lb placement to achieve rare special equip. Those items should not be attainable now or in the future as it would be unfair to those players that ground out resets when they were harder to achieve. IF the devs decide to release a similar achievement/equip then I would support that. I'm sure all that couldn't/didn't win some event war season etc will cry n forums that they should be allowed to buy that item in market. But opening that can of worms is not what Kaw needs. Btw when can I buy extra 20 slots for members in my clan and a top 10 banner jk. Happy kawing No support for op in this thread
  16. You are 100% correct. HTE was advertised to be a "Limited time" deal. Alas, the devs decided to implement it as a perm feature. Many claim this EB to be ruining kaw constantly inflating it, alas the pay is similar to all scrag eb's. You don't need only HTE to grow. And yes you are correct once again. The achievement bonuses are meant to be difficult to earn a simple 2% defense etc. These perm completion bonuses offer too much strength, especially now with bigger builds more then ever.

    Reset Game Completion Bonuses were intended to be a permanent feature within the game. As the opening quotes suggest, they were only removed because land completing became an easy task. Similiar to achievements which you work on over time, completion bonuses were intended to give the community something to work on once they had all lands.

    So this wasn't an event or a promotion, but once upon a time a perm feature. :p
  17. So were promo codes. Do we need to bring those back too so you will be happy chaos ????
  18. Referral codes? Nah, if memory serves I only got an XTAL or so from that. 

    26% bonus seems to be a bigger issue, hence thread.
  19. Chaos - it's not about giving preventing the community an advantage. My post clearly states that I'm in favour of similar items with similar bonuses if they're obtained in a manner of comparable difficulty.

    Those specific items have always been, and should remain the reward for original reset completions.

    Sure, bring in new ones, that's cool. Don't roll out the old ones again. Let old players keep them.
  20. Agree with tomo. As rapid as growth is these days with hte and massive vollies. Op idea for reset equip for each 25 lands complete is in no way a similar challenge to lc resets of old. Only similar thing I can think of is having to HF lc to earn each piece of equip.