Bonuses for Game Completions Revisted!

Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by Chaos, Mar 4, 2015.

  1. Frog, as always your points are extremely valid! Yes indeed, many forumers carried pitchforks when that happened, thinking back brings some major lulz! :p Btw, you can still find many comments in archaic threads. Brings much insight to current issue. There can be many ways these bonuses can be released frog. Some more difficult then others. It just all depends. In the end of the day, I can understand you'd rather have nobody have them then everyone - but you have to look at it from the intent of the devs back then. These were a sort of end game deal breaker. Not easily earned. They were meant to take time to earn. Look at the achievements, will take some years to earn for a mere 3%. I felt this was the aim for these reset perks. Unexpectedely, they proved much too easy.

    That brings us to our modern issue, the problem is that the stats now are too strong. Old percentage gear whom many believed would eventually be outdated turned out to be the best. Devs have three options. Re-release them hopefully ackowledging that the community has a fair shot, remove them entirely, or let them collect dust on old accounts. They are a game changer though, and thats the point of this thread.
  2. I'm still upset about getting all our ally slots taken away that were past 550. The compensation given was not worth the effort taken to get there. I don't see where bringing back resets will be of any benefit to anyone. And no one better be contemplating taking away the resets of those that worked to get them previously. I still have some pitchforks leftover from that debacle.
  3. 1 llbc = 12b
    12b = one reset eq

    simple math either let anyone buy the reset eq for 12b or instead take all the resetters eq away and give them 12b for every eq they own.
  4. Inflation you fool. Back then I was making 3b a day which was huge, lb worthy. I was like 46 overall
  5. Yes, inflation happened. It doesn't matter you "fool" as you have had an 8% benefit for years. 8% benefit to stats for years is WAYYY more than a few bil
  6. If they give the same reset bonus out for people who complete each tier of land would make me very disappointed because it's like for like a extra bonus for people old players. Plus it took me ages to get all of them like 3-6 months
  7. What the heck are you smoking on? You clearly don't know what ppl lost. I had 60k battle wins when I did my first reset. 12bil is no where near enough to compensate for the reset.
  8. Arc are you an idiot? The game was a lot different back then. I have an account with 2 reset bonuses and it was actually kind of hard to get those. Stop complaining.
  9. No. Make new achievements. Those will stay as is. Bringing them back should require a full ALC reset then if they are such game changer.

    Good luck with that btw :lol:
  10. Yes
  11. If you wanted the equipment, you should have done the resets like others did. Not fair to just have it available to those who didn't put in the effort to do the resets. Buy them? No. Earn them as others did
  12. Yes abyssal land complete reset.
  13. ACTUALLY no **** this. This isn't something that's going to help retain new players. The thought of this idea can **** off for now. We need those new set of lowlands from Optimal Chaos thread, Double length of beginner spell etc.
  14. You know what I support this! I changed my mind, since we are talking about getting the reset bonus back could everyone get the summer wars 2012 equipment for 10bill? Cause that's the first and last time they did that and I want them even though the people worked hard for them I feel entitled to get them
  15. I did a few resets back in the day, and it was a challenge each time. I do feel it was right to remove them as Lowland LC is relatively easy now.

    I would not support these items being a paid item. $5-10 for one? That's nothing to a regular seal-purchaser. That's one or two seals they'll postpone, not weeks of growth only to burn it all down again.

    If separate items were produced with similar bonuses that could be earned in a manner of similar difficulty to resets, I would support that. But NOT the exact same items again. My reset items are a heritage, I earned them the only way you should be able to, and for the developers to make them available again spits in the face of those that did it.
  16. agree. We EARNED them.
  17. On a separate note, I'm happy to sell my Orb of Kereldran and/or Dwarven Helmet to anybody for a fiver. ;) Not quite sure those plus 500 stats are doing much now.
  18. So you want more instability in the game by extending the advantage of the top players over everyone else.
    As if being larger having more allies and greater plunder wasn't enough. And what would they do with another plunder bonus. Overprice more allies that they have already overpriced ensuring they are untouchable at the detriment of the rest of the kaw community.
    Too much of this game is geared towards lb as it is. The game needs more balance and inclusive features. Not more just to favour the top end.
  19. I'm hardly a top player. In fact, I'd suggest that most top players would have ignored LC resets so as to get to the top.

    Therefore, it seems like more of a balance to me. Furthermore, it'll only be a very few of the KaW population that have these bonus items and remain active. Then, the number of those that are top players?

    Such small numbers, I don't think we're unbalancing KaW.
  20. I would love for a reasonable shot at those unfair bonuses as they were taken away by the time I started kaw. As chaos has said there already is precedent set for stuff being re-released. Look at the 'exclusive' s3 ee gear that u could 'only' get from winning in s3. Until devs released it to the alchemist pissing off all those that earned it in s3. Or the exclusive top 10 ee banner that went out in s4. Oh wait I mean top 11. Its only fair that these bonuses are released again with a different, fair, way to obtain them considering the cost to get bc these days.