I would imagine that this would make it alot harder for newer people in ee to have an oppertunity to play the role. But on the other hand, watching 2 ppl fight and bicker over the positions would be entertaining.
I think it'd be a worthwhile adjustment. I've been tracker twice and in my opinion it requires a lot of extra attention that warring as a regular player does not. I'm not necessarily saying that I DESERVE extra because of that role I played, just that if the role were incentivized we might have less problems of ending up in groups of people where nodody's WC'd or tracker'd before and is unwilling to try. Just some food for thought.
I was thinking it'd be something more like what I read in another thread, where people could "vote" for the WC and tracker and then it could be democratically decided.
Agreed. WC is not nearly as important as having a good tracker. Trackers let us know who the possible targets are, but WC just organizes things. I've had some really great WCs, though. People SHOULD definitely take on more responsibility for their own actions and thinking, though. I agree with that.
Id support when people actually are reporting their inc for wars to be tracked. The 3rd party software tracking is what kills players from participating in system wars. That, and the ko message spam in cc.
honestly i wc and track because i want to win. if i win i get better mith, which is incentive enough for me.
I have never seen anyone complain about someone tracking and spamming cc with ups/KO order/windows except in the forums. In fact I have seen quite the opposite. People upset if they don't have a tracker in clan, that the tracker isn't posting often enough. But it has helped to add to the laziness of EE warriors. If you're lucky enough to get a WC and/or tracker in your indi 90% of the time they get used like the redheaded step child before and through out the war. Buuuuuut.... The reason I started learning to WC and heaven forbid track is because time after time you get rostered with 14 other people who cast with the intention of having to do nothing but sit back n mindlessly whack whoever the WC n tracker say to. Making my choice to put in the extra effort to increase my odds of winning, a self-serving one. Pheeew that's one long winded way of saying I'm ambivalent on this option. Ohh and I must add this; allowing pre-war casting of tracker/WC is a bad idea because people like string-cheese will cast for one/both and any clan who gets that handicap will require a lot of extra effort on everyone's part to win. A statless inactive account controlled by someone's pet cat would be more effective than string.
I mean being the WC isn't too difficult. The hard part is getting people to listen to your crazy ass strats and xtal calls. Tracking is harder though cause you're paying attention to multiple things : sko, tanking, reporting ups and kos. If you're lazy, I'm sorry but you shouldn't deserve a win. Winner work hard and spend their hard earned money for fast Internet to ko all you slowpokes support to WC/Tracker bonus mith However, tracker should get a bigger bonus
Same! Not sure why people would be mad about this, anyway. I guess, but to be fair, having a tracker makes it much easier on everybody else so they can keep spamming the people in window. That being said, many people have gotten more than a little lazy and don't bother sweeping roster because they decide to just rely on their tracker, which is annoying. I'd have to agree with this. I took on the role of tracker in the indi war that just finished (because nobody else was willing to) after having only tracked twice before. People were yelling at me at one point because rather than sweep roster for themselves they figured they should yell at tracker to post stuff faster. I mean, I did make a mistake, but still. Yikes. Yeah, I totally understand. I've started down the same path as well. I'm still not a particularly amazing tracker compared to many I've warred with but I've learned that it's best to be ready to fill in the position if necessary to secure a win. I don't particularly like the tracker/WC cast before war, I'd prefer the "voting" system I suggested (and others have suggested in separate threads). If people can vote to secure the tracker and WC, than that's probably the "least abusable" way of doing things.
Yeah, I know this from experience. Agreed. I think it's less about "me" (the individual) being lazy than it is about protecting those who ARE hard working from the idiocy/laziness of those who don't care enough to work hard for the win. I mean, obviously there's no way of preventing a loss caused by inactives/noobs/lazy players, but I'd hope that my idea of rewarding tracking/WC roles would create incentive for people to learn those roles and thus lessen the impact of losing due to no tracker/WC or bad tracker/WC. Agreed with this as well. Tracking is definitely harder from my experience.
A) If you took my democratic "voting" system I suggested into account, those warring on each side would vote to decide who their tracker/WC would be . B) Everybody is a noob at some point. There's no way to start working on learning something without sucking for a while. C) A nooby WC is better than no WC.
What's a tracker/war chief? And do you have to be both? Joking aside. Sorry, no support. I often do both and still do ok w plunder and actions. So mith payout seems fine to me.
Your lack of understanding intrigues me. When someone tracks, he has to put in the extra effort to keep enemy status correct at all times while maintaining his own times. It is a lot more time consuming, preparing the app, and constantly keep you updated during war with accurate times. Also a good war commander is very difficult to find. You need more than basic understanding to pick correct xtal times for particular players. Plan a strategy which will get you victory / control / plundrr depending on which war type it is. Also he has to put the extra time pre- war preparing targets for each of his members. A war commander in advantage wars, has to decide the wave times (depending on current plundrr/ enemy ups / team ability). All in all, a lot more difficult than it appears