Herp derp. Even I'm not naïve enough to think I can get mod. Amid a ban, five silences, being underage, and countless times of misguiding noobs, I never even had a chance if I wanted one. I'm stating things as I see them, or in the best manner I can, like I always have and will.
Also, why does anyone who disagrees with you become a dev-suck-up or failnoob/troll, and anyone who agrees with you is an "exactly."? You never listen to anyone else's opinions, particularly after asking for them.
@Toast Let me offer a rebuttal. First of all, saying that pots are designed to slow growth is not a conspiracy, it is just good business. if there is nothing for the 5% of the players who provide 95% of the money for ATA, the company would be in trouble. Second, forget what spies are "supposed to be" and face facts. The reality was that it was virtually impossible for a pure spy to make any money post pots/pre highlands unless they turned hansel or got wartax in pwar. Either way the pots brought about a whole new era of pwarring. This is what happened. C'mon you were there.
@deano. Yes, the new pots are all attack pots. The devs finally realized that people actually want to win most of the time they attack.
It's not just the pots, game mechanics are screwed, my bfa is crap at best, and I should not be able to get through bc or near bc attack builds with my attack strength regardless of using full att pots.
You can essentially say NOB a FoD for weeks/months gain thousands and thousands of offensive attack pots and just destroy everything. Mixed with all the mithril spells, it's a never ending winning strip loss. For spies or attack. Especially when I saw a few posts of people saying they bought thousands upon thousands upon thousands of mithril. If anything that was the worst decision they could have made. You'll have some people running mithril for months if not years with the stockpile they have.
@Toast Idk why you're so angry at these threads, as much as I dislike Philosopher, he creates quality discussion threads. Eventually it'll get locked cause a mod will see something unfit instead of cleaning it up, but that's just them. You don't have to post on the thread. Stop trying to use your past "fame" as something people should give two shits about, because most don't.
Face facts. It's the devs' game. They made it. How can you say pots only slow growth? No pots = if someone's just a bit stronger, they can farm you indefinitely. By having pots available, you can ward them off, and it hurts them more cash than you to punch through them (that also relates back to the "why are def pots cheaper" OP bit). POTS brought about a second wave of pwars? That's ridiculous; you're out of your mind. I may not care for you or your posts, but even I expect more from you at this point. You don't think perhaps that the desire to upgrade to all the new buildings and later lands both started and continued pwars? Pure spies never made the money of a good attack build. YOU know that, you were there.
@Grope. This is first in a series. Kaw is dripping with poor, short-sighted decisions made by ATA. Let me tackle them one at a time.
@igcb Have you ever, ever seen me validating an argument because I'm famous or some crap? Come on. People accuse me of it, though I've never done it. I don't ask people to pay attention to my posts. Any of them. If they do, not my fault. And don't use your "fame" to try to accuse me of using my "fame" :lol:
@ Toast Actually. I was there. Spies didn't make the same as an attack build; they made much better money by getting the war tax at the end of a pwar. My own OSF once made nearly 300 Bil in one two-day pwar. Why did all those hitters agree to join my pwar and let me have the war tax? Because they knew they could make better money in a pwar than trying to hit someone successfully on the battleboard.
I actually did mention that you were there, in case you missed it... You're just cycling back to people wanting to grow as fast as possible; for the attack builds, it was hitting spies. For the spies, it was getting 20% of every time they got hit. This absolutely stems from pots being expensive, not human greed or anything. Come on. Greed. Attackers want to get the most plunder possible. That happens to be spies. Spies want easy growth. So, why not get 20% of hundreds or thousands of people's attack plunder? Even without pots, you make more from hitting a good spy than another attack build, AND it's nigh guaranteed you'll win.
@Toast Yet you do. You throw around your posts like they're right all the time. Sorry to inform you, but no one is letting you blow smoke up their ass anyway. You're washed up. @Phil I've noticed But usually when the Devs release some very questionable things, I'm sure most just