Bond Worst Kaw Wc

Discussion in 'Wars' started by renamed473, Feb 8, 2015.

  2. It's not butthurt lolz
  3. You lost lol
  4. Figured you'd be used to losing
  5. Someone is worse than MyNameIsInactive? Mind blown
  6. Me when Mynameisyour2ndname posts on my wall about warring with him

  7. :lol: op needs to give up while he still can. Although the entertainment value in intense. I look forward to the day he ever grows into my hit range
  8. OP deserves perm shattered sword
  9. They both suck
  10. Thanks. I love you too 
  11. Title
    "Bond Worst Kaw Wc"
  12. I remember when OP made a topic to get me banned from KaW.
    Then posted a SS telling me to do the thing to get me banned..... :lol:
  13. isnt op 12
  14. Maybe 13 now
  15. You win some you lose some bond is a good wc. I've went back 3-0 when he was my WC.
  16. I wc one war my entire kaw life... we won, but that doesn't make me good. Bond might not be the best WC... he at least can step up to the plate and wc if needed.
  17. Honorable mention to joshytron...hes pretty bad and greenraven is a joke