Bombard spell questions

Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by IISPllO0lIKYllGUIlNllISHiPlI, Sep 25, 2016.

  1. How do you get this spell aside from other players and How often do you actually get mith from this?
  2. You can only get it from hitting other players opted into the pvp event. From what I've seen it seems like the mith drop rate is 1/75 or something.

    Hope that helps

  3. It doesn't drop a lot from players, which is good cos it means demand for them is high, I would say Mith drops between every 50-100 attacks / steals though I've had 4 mith drops in a row before, I've also gone all weekend without a single mith drop.

  4. I'd say the Mith drop is lower, around 0.5% (but who knows, they could be constantly tinkering).

    I *think* I saw Charlie write on a wall post that the chances of a Bomb drop were around the same as a Mith drop.
  5. How do you embed pictures :(
  6. That's the amateur way,

    For the pro's it's [img fit]link[/img fit](no spaces)
  7. I could just be lucky, but the 1/75 seems right to me considering both how often I get/lose one.

  8. I could just be lucky (or unlucky), but the 1/75 seems right to me considering both how often I get/lose one.