Blood Rains Idea

Discussion in 'Ideas + Feature Requests' started by ESQ_Odysseus_ESQ, Aug 24, 2015.

  1. Support. I'd like to see aff br.
  2. Support, two different sets of BR's would be beneficial for both smaller and larger clans.
  3. NO SUPPORT....would be better to insert these % in the small and big players could have the same oportunity of owning the max spell...upgrading the equips...i suggested to include these spells in our equips in a thread long ago...
  4. its not a big issue, if an issue at all. Start a good % br just before the change and you will be good.
  5. I wouldn't say it's a major issue of kaw, granted there are more pressing EE issues, but most if not all clans run ebs based on BR refreshing. The ones that don't are likely HTE clans with members that pop out for the bonus anyway. I feel it would be a large positive shift in quality of life for all clans and also player growth across kaw, is that not worth something?
  6. thats a part of the br strategy, timing on when to play them. Which also brings pressure on the eb played before the br switch. so, no support.
  7. Please stop the 5%\5%, so pointless.

    Yes EE needs help, but those are complex algorithms.

    BR is a simple issue of pairing. We even had the one day with 4BR, so it's just /allow on BR group 1 and BR group 2.
  8. happy birthday
  9. Bump for two more small BRs again :(
  10. my clan did gs br before 7pm gmt!!! strategyyyy
  11. As am I right now in mine, you're missing the entire point of the post.
  12. you want to get get rid off the easy brs for top clans? To which the solution is to run high % before they are switched.
  13. I support this, it is an easy fix, and helps clans, when what so much of what kaw seems do do lately hurts clans,
  14. No Support

    Don't like the bonus on offer? Simple, don't run the eb. Demanding bigger bonuses for bigger clans is plain greedy.
  15. Its not motivated by greed, the other half of the coin is the smaller clans that do haunts or lower that aren't able to partake in the br when they're both challenging (such as TT with SS), I'm merely looking to make a quality of life change for all clans that benefits all, while increasing gold generation across the board.

    Also no feedback from anyone on an AFF Br?
  16. Support, there was a suggestion that said to the effect, run a br eb like SS and Haunting, and give certain % based on Time to complete, a1-2hr SS =18% while a2-5hr SS= 13%, and over a 5hr SS 11%. And a 15-16% AFF would be awesome!
  17. Support, there was a suggestion that said to the effect, run a br eb like SS and Haunting, and give certain % based on Time to complete, a1-2hr SS =18% while a2-5hr SS= 13%, and over a 5hr SS 11%. And a 15-16% AFF would be awesome!
  18. Don't need any BR's....